mijn Windows Live Account is geblokkeerd, en ik heb al van alles geprobeerd om mijn wachtwoord te herstellen maar niks lijkt te werken. Deze mail kreeg ik in mijn inbox van gmail:
"Thank you for contacting Windows Live Support.
We have received your information regarding the account: MAILADRES VERWIJDERD
We have created a private discussion forum in Windows Live Solution Center where you can further contact us regarding this request. Click https://windowslivehelp.com/liveidtempauth.aspx?id=A39E8137-2E21-455C-99CA-E3A50F03EE83 to visit the private forum. You can check anytime, review your answers, or leave additional comments.
When you submitted your request, you were supplied a personal identification number. You will need that number to access the private discussion forum.
Our support professionals are validating the answers you provided. If they can verify that you are the account owner, a password reset email will be sent to this email address. If there is insufficient information for us to confirm that you are the account owner, a notice will be posted in the private forum. It normally takes us up to 24 hours to complete an evaluation. If you do not see a password reset email within 24 hours, please check the status on the private forum.
Please do not reply to this email. Replies will be delivered to an email inbox that is not monitored.
Thank you,
Windows Live Help team
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052
Dit is al meer dan 24 uur geleden, en ik heb nog niks gehoord. Opzich zitten er best belangrijke mailtjes bij die ik nu dus niet meer heb, ik hoop echt dat iemand me kan helpen!!