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  • Verjaardag 07-08-1956

PC Specificaties

  • Besturingssysteem
    Windows 8.1 Pro
  • Monitor
  • Moederbord
    ASUS Sabertooth 990 FX R2.0
  • Processor
    AMD FX-8350
  • Geheugen
    Corair Vengeance 32GB DDR3-1866MHZ
  • Grafische Kaart
    ASUS 2GB D5 X HD7850-DC2 V2
  • Harde Schijf
    OCZ VTR1-25SATA3-128G 2x
  • Voeding
    CORSAIR HX 650
  • Behuizing

OBSIDIAN1's prestaties

  1. Kijk hier eens : MEDION Nederland - Product zoeken
  2. Kan je nog terug d.m.v een herstelpunt voordat je alles verwijderde?
  3. Panda Activescan | Free Online Antivirus | Free Virus Disinfection - Panda Security
  4. Ik vond nog een bericht over de moederborden die deze processor ondersteunen: ASUS bevestigt ondersteuning AMD FX-9000 processoren | Hardware.Info Nederland
  6. Oke, bedankt voor je advies. Momenteel heb ik Bios 1903 maar ik moet toch wachten wanneer de CPU echt leverbaar is en misschien nog een beetje in prijs zal dalen xD
  7. Het is het systeem uit mijn profiel n.l Corsair Obsidian 650D. ASUS 990FX R2.0. OCZ VTR1-25SAT3-128G. AMD FX-8350. ASUS 7850-DC2-2GD5-V2. Samsung UE32D5000PW.Corsair Vengeance 32 GB DDR3-1866 .Windows 8 PRO x64.Norton 360 MD.
  8. Hallo ,ik heb een vraagje over deze processor en het moederbord van 1 van mijn systemen. Ik ben n.l serieus van plan deze processor te kopen. Mijn vraag is dus of het mogelijk is. Het volgende stukje tekst las ik in een recente review over deze FX processor: The motherboard support provides an interesting caveat to this whole equation since some manufacturers have yet to roll out BIOS updates which support the FX-9590 and FX-9370. In addition, we’re told that many boards can’t consistently supply the massive amount of input power required by these new processors. So, before assuming your board will safely run a 200W CPU over long periods of time, confirm with the manufacturer’s product page first. For our testing an ASUS 990FX Sabertooth was used. Grt, Wimmie. - - - Updated - - - EDIT: dit stukje hoort er ook nog bij, At its heart, the FX-9590 isn’t all that much different from previous FX-series CPUs. Like the FX-8350, it uses AMD’s 32nm Piledriver architecture, comes with 8MB of L2 cache and eight cores, supports DDR3 speeds of up to 1866MHz and can be used in conjunction with any supporting AM3+ motherboard. The 5GHz core frequency has been attained through the use of AMD’s Turbo Core 3.0 which allows a base clock of 4.7GHz to hit higher levels when the right conditions present themselves. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen very often as our processor remained at 4.7GHz in most workloads. As one might expect, actually getting a lower clocked architecture to hit such high levels requires some heavy-duty muscle alongside stringent binning. In this case, a massive amount of voltage -1.5V- has been applied and this has a secondary, nasty side effect: a substantial increase in heat production and power requirements. While the FX-8350’s TDP of 125W was deemed inefficient, the FX-9590 brings things to a whole new level with an estimated thermal output of 200W-220W. That’s an important number to remember when choosing a cooler since only the very best air-based solutions will be able to keep temperatures under control.
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