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Ik heb al verschillende malen ie8 proberen te installeren, maar telkens krijg ik van die stroperig sluitende vensters.Ik heb al van alles geprobeerd, maar niets helpt.

Nu las ik onlangs het volgende:

(19.) What can I do if Hosts isn't working under Windows 2000 or XP Pro?

First, you should try using " localhost" at the top of your hosts file. If that doesn't work, try converting the entire Hosts file from to the format.

Those of you who use Windows 2000/XP Pro and use the very large version of the Hosts file may experience system slowdowns and slow connections. Most often, this is noticed by those with dialup connections, but may occur with broadband connections as well.

Windows 2000/XP Pro also includes a service known as the DNS cache. You can locate it in your services listed as "DNS Client". To use Hosts or DNSKong you may need to stop and disable this service. Some machines seem to run Hosts without disabling this service. It is safe to turn it off and disable it. You will likely never notice it is gone. As far as I can tell, no other Windows operating system offers such a service. - Pyrenean

If you use DNSKong, please read these instructions.

Kan dit me helpen? Graag uw mening en zoja, hoe doe ik dit, want ik snap er niet veel van.:stupid:

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