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eindelijk opgelost

de oplossing is voor win 7 staat hieronder met dien verstande dat je in de hierna vernoemde

hoofdungen moet zijn.

(na de wijzingen terug opstarten natuurlijk)


en HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PowerPointViewer.SlideShow.12

For .PPS files (Microsoft PowerPoint Slideshow)


This error can be generated if the Open command is not found properly for

.PPS and/or .PPT file types. To fix the issue, you need to follow the steps


1. Click on Start menu and type regedit.exe after selecting Run from the

start menu and then press ENTER key.

2. Expand the following branch as follows :

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ PowerPointViewer.SlideShow.11 \ shell \ Show

3. Just right-click Show and click Rename

4. Type the word Open so that Show is replaced by Open

5. If you have installed the PowerPoint Viewer , follow the same steps in

this key:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ PowerPointViewer.SlideShow.12 \ shell \ Show

6. After configuring Show to Open, exit from Registry Editor window.

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