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ik zit dus met een probleem, ik zit op kot en heb perfect verbinding met draadloos netwerk ma men vriendin heeft ook een laptop van HP en heeft totaal geen verbinding, als we de laptop's naast elkaar zetten, kan ik op internet en kan zij niet eens op hetzelfde draadloos netwerk waar ik op zit??

de laptop geeft altijd aan, beperkte verbinding met draadloos netwerk

kan iemand me toevallig helpen?? ze kan ook bepaalde netwerken van hier op kot niet vinden terwijl mijn laptop dat wel vind( per verdieping is er hier een netwerkverbinding)

ps vroeger kon de laptop gemakkelijk op internet



Oké ik heb een hele boel gevonden:

Method 1: Repair the wireless network connection

Windows XP SP2 can automatically repair a corrupted wireless network connection. Do the following steps to use the repair feature:

  1. Click Start , then Connect To , and then Show all connections .
  2. Right-click the Wireless Network Connection icon and select Repair .
  3. For the next couple of minutes Windows will reset your network adapter and attempt to reconnect to one of the preferred networks. If the repair process fails, continue to Method 2 below.

Method 2: Use the HP Wireless Assistant to validate and enable a wireless device

The HP Wireless Assistant is available only on HP notebook PCs manufactured in 2005 or later.

  1. To start the HP Wireless Assistant, double-click the HP Wireless Assistant c00522342.jpg icon in the system tray. Go to Step 2 to check the device status
    • If the HP Wireless Assistant icon is NOT in the system tray, click on this link to download and install the latest version of the HP Wireless Assistant .
    • If the HP Wireless Assistant is not supported on your notebook, an error message will be displayed that will not allow you to install the HP Wireless Assistant.

[*]Check the status of the wireless devices as shown on the HP Wireless Assistant panel.

  • If the status is Disabled , follow the instructions in the HP Wireless Assistant to enable the device.
  • If the status is Enabled the device is installed and ready to connect.

Method 3: Verify status of WLAN driver

If the wireless device is operating, one of the wireless connection icons may display in the Windows system tray.

  • The wireless network connected icon c00522340.bmp indicates the WLAN driver is installed and the notebook PC is connected, go to Method 8: Minimize interference from other devices .
  • The wireless network disconnected icon c00522341.bmp with a red X indicates the WLAN driver is installed but the notebook is not connected, go to Method 5: Connect to a wireless network .
  • If a wireless network icon is not displayed, perform the following:
    1. Click Start .
    2. Click Settings .
    3. Click Control Panel .
    4. Double click the Network Connections icon c00625191.gif .
    5. Right click Wireless Network Connection .
    6. Select Properties .
    7. Click to place a checkmark next to Show icon in notification area when connected .
    8. Click OK .
    9. Close Network Connections window.
    10. Right click the Wireless Network icon c00522340.bmp , select Status . If status is not connected, go to Method 5: Connect to a wireless network .

Method 4: Reinstall WLAN Driver

If no wireless connection icon is displayed after 15 to 30 seconds, the software driver is either missing or corrupted. The driver must be reinstalled. A Windows Device not Found error message may also display.

Get the latest version of the wireless LAN adapter software for your notebook PC at the HP Drivers and Downloads Web site. If the wireless adapter you are using was purchased separately, consult the manufacturer's Web site for the latest software.

Method 5: Connect to a wireless network

Before performing this method, verify the wireless network indicator light c00522342.jpg is glowing (blue), and the wireless network disconnected icon c00522341.bmp is visible in the system tray.

Use the following steps to search for and connect to a wireless network.

  1. Right click on the wireless connection icon and select Open Network Connections .
  2. On the network connection panel, double-click on the wireless connection icon to view the connection status.
  3. Select View Wireless Networks for a list of available wireless networks.
    If you are in a hot spot where several wireless networks are active, there may be multiple networks listed. Decide which network to access.
    If the desired network is not displayed, check with the administrator to verify the router or access point is operating.
    If you are trying to connect to a wireless router that you control, reset the wireless router by removing the power from the router for 10-15 seconds.
  4. Select one of the available networks and click Connect . It may take a minute for Windows to complete the network connection.
    • If the network is an Unsecured network, meaning that it has no security on who can access the system, a warning is displayed. Click Connect Anyway to accept the warning and complete the connection.
    • If the network is a Security-enabled wireless network, you will be prompted to enter a Network Key , which is a security code. Click Connect to complete the connection. See Method 6: Connect to a secure wireless network for additional information.

[*]Once the connection is made, place your cursor over the wireless network connected icon c00522340.bmp in the system tray to verify the Name, Speed, Strength, and Status of the connection. If the connection is weak or slow, go to Method 8: Minimize interference from other devices .

At this point, there should be a good connection between your notebook and the wireless router or access point. Depending on your setup, you should have access to other computers and applications on the network, or access to the internet.

Method 6: Connect to a Secure wireless Network

If you are prompted for a Network Key or an SSID access code when connecting to a network, the wireless network is protected by security. You will need the current codes to make a connection on a secure network. The SSID and WEP are alpha-numeric codes that you enter into your PC to identify your PC to the network.

  • For a network connected to your personal wireless router, review the manufacturer's documentation for setting up the same SSID codes on both the router and the wireless device.
  • For a private network; such as a network in an office or at a public internet chat room, contact the network administrator for the Service Site Identifier (SSID) codes and enter the codes when prompted.
    Some Networks change the SSID codes used in their routers or access points on a regular basis to improve security. You must change the corresponding SSID code in your notebook.

Method 7: Change wireless network key

If provided with wireless network key codes, use the following steps to complete the connection to the desired wireless network.

  1. On the Network Connections panel, double-click the desired Wireless connection to open the Wireless Network Connection Status panel, and select Properties .
  2. On the Wireless Network tab, select the name of the Preferred network from the listing and click Properties .
    Network Authentication: Identifies the type of security. [Options are: Open, Shared, Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)]
    Data Encryption: Type of encrypting used to protect data. [Options are: Disabled, Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)]
    Network key: An alpha-numeric code that identifies your PC to the network.
    Key index (advance): Additional security value.
  3. Enter the wireless key code values provided by the network administrator.
  4. Click OK to accept the codes and complete the connection.
    It may take Windows a few minutes to complete the connection.
  5. Click OK or Close to exit any open panels.

Method 8: Minimize interference from other devices

If your notebook cannot make a connection to a wireless network, or the connection is very weak, perform the following actions to improve the connection.

  • Move your notebook closer to the wireless router or access point.
  • Verify that other wireless devices are not interfering by temporarily disconnecting devices such as: Microwave, Cordless Phone, Cell Phone, etc.
  • If you are trying to connect to your wireless network router, reset the wireless router by removing the power from the router for 10-15 seconds.
  • On the wireless network connection properties panel, select the desired connection and click Remove . Then click Add to force the device to reestablish all the connection values. You may be prompted for a Network Key for security purposes.
  • Click Refresh network list to see available wireless networks.

Method 9: Verify Windows wireless zero configuration

If your notebook cannot make a connection to a wireless network, verify Windows wireless zero configuration. Use the following steps to verify Windows wireless zero configuration.

  1. Click Start .
  2. Click Run .
  3. Type " services.msc " without the quotes.
  4. Locate Wireless Zero Configuration.
  5. Right click Wireless Zero Configuration .
  6. Select Properties .
  7. Under Startup type: select Automatic in not selected.
  8. Under Service status: click Start .
  9. Click OK .
  10. Close Services.

Method 10: Restarting wireless router

If your notebook cannot make a connection to a wireless network, restart your wireless router. Refer to your manufacturer's user guide for details.

Method 11: PC security

Personal computers may become inundated with spyware, viruses or lack of a firewall. See HP Notebook PCs - Improving the Performance of Your Notebook PC .

Method 12: System restore

To activate a system restore, follow the steps below:

  1. On the Windows bar, click Start , click Help & Support , click System Restore , and follow the instructions to restore your computer settings to an earlier time.
  2. Windows creates restore points on a regular basis. Select a date and time when the wireless network did operate properly. Your notebook will restart and the wireless network should begin working again.

Als er nog vragen over zijn of u snapt iets niet vuur ze maar af!

Nog veel succes!



mja dit heb ik allemaal al eens gedaan en met geen resultaat,

het rare gewoon is, dat er altijd beperkte internetverbinding staat, met een driehoekje, mijn laptop hp pavilion dv9000 kan wel op dat netwerk

toevallig nog een ideetje, demijn zijn op

alvast bedankt

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