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Laten we dan de essentiële Windows-bestanden eens controleren. Typ bij Start in het zoekvak de opdracht sfc /scannow ... en laat die runnen. Mogelijk wordt onderweg de Windows-CD gevraagd, mogelijk ook niet. Indien deze opdracht uitgevoerd is, moet je de Windows-updates maar weer eens testen.

Geplaatst: (aangepast)

Dit ging in de eerste instantie niet, maar nadat ik het via de opdrachtprompt en als administrator heb uitgevoerd wel. Hier het resultaat:


Maar de updates werken nog niet :-(


aangepast door Sophie94

Ga naar start -alle programma's - bureauaccessoires.

Klik met rechts op het icoon van de opdrachtprompt en kies voor uitvoeren als administrator.

Typ nu findstr /c:"[sR]" %windir%\\Logs\\CBS\\CBS.log > "%userprofile%\\Desktop\\sfcdetails.txt" en druk enter.

Let op de spatie voor de / en %windir% en voor en na de >.

Nu zou je op je bureaublad het bestandje sfcdetails.txt moeten zien.

Voeg dit bestandje toe aan een volgend bericht.

Hoe je een bijlage toevoegt aan een bericht, kan je lezen in deze handleiding.


Toch wel!!!

2012-07-25 11:08:06, Info CSI 0000000e [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:08:06, Info CSI 0000000f [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:08:09, Info CSI 00000011 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:08:10, Info CSI 00000012 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:08:10, Info CSI 00000013 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:08:12, Info CSI 00000015 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:08:13, Info CSI 00000016 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:08:13, Info CSI 00000017 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:08:16, Info CSI 00000019 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:08:16, Info CSI 0000001a [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:08:16, Info CSI 0000001b [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:08:23, Info CSI 0000001d [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:08:23, Info CSI 0000001e [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:08:23, Info CSI 0000001f [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:08:28, Info CSI 00000021 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:08:28, Info CSI 00000022 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:08:28, Info CSI 00000023 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:08:32, Info CSI 00000025 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:08:32, Info CSI 00000026 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:08:32, Info CSI 00000027 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:08:37, Info CSI 00000029 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:08:38, Info CSI 0000002a [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:08:38, Info CSI 0000002b [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:08:42, Info CSI 0000002d [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:08:43, Info CSI 0000002e [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:08:43, Info CSI 0000002f [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:08:47, Info CSI 00000031 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:08:47, Info CSI 00000032 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:08:47, Info CSI 00000033 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:08:53, Info CSI 00000036 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:08:54, Info CSI 00000037 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:08:54, Info CSI 00000038 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:09:02, Info CSI 0000003b [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:09:04, Info CSI 0000003c [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:09:04, Info CSI 0000003d [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:09:15, Info CSI 00000041 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:09:16, Info CSI 00000042 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:09:16, Info CSI 00000043 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:09:25, Info CSI 00000046 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:09:26, Info CSI 00000047 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:09:26, Info CSI 00000048 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:09:33, Info CSI 0000004a [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:09:34, Info CSI 0000004b [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:09:34, Info CSI 0000004c [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:09:46, Info CSI 0000006e [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:09:47, Info CSI 0000006f [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:09:47, Info CSI 00000070 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:09:54, Info CSI 00000075 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:09:55, Info CSI 00000076 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:09:55, Info CSI 00000077 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:10:01, Info CSI 00000079 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:10:02, Info CSI 0000007a [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:10:02, Info CSI 0000007b [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:10:09, Info CSI 0000007d [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:10:09, Info CSI 0000007e [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:10:09, Info CSI 0000007f [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:10:15, Info CSI 00000081 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:10:16, Info CSI 00000082 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:10:16, Info CSI 00000083 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:10:23, Info CSI 00000085 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:10:24, Info CSI 00000086 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:10:24, Info CSI 00000087 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:10:35, Info CSI 000000aa [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:10:36, Info CSI 000000ab [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:10:36, Info CSI 000000ac [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:10:46, Info CSI 000000ae [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:10:47, Info CSI 000000af [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:10:47, Info CSI 000000b0 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:11:03, Info CSI 000000b2 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:11:04, Info CSI 000000b3 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:11:04, Info CSI 000000b4 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:11:12, Info CSI 000000b8 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:11:13, Info CSI 000000b9 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:11:13, Info CSI 000000ba [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:11:16, Info CSI 000000bc [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:11:16, Info CSI 000000bd [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:11:16, Info CSI 000000be [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:11:19, Info CSI 000000c0 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:11:19, Info CSI 000000c1 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:11:19, Info CSI 000000c2 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:11:28, Info CSI 000000d0 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:11:29, Info CSI 000000d1 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:11:29, Info CSI 000000d2 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:11:35, Info CSI 000000d9 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:11:36, Info CSI 000000da [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:11:36, Info CSI 000000db [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:11:39, Info CSI 000000dd [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:11:39, Info CSI 000000de [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:11:39, Info CSI 000000df [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:11:44, Info CSI 000000e1 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:11:45, Info CSI 000000e2 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:11:45, Info CSI 000000e3 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:11:49, Info CSI 000000e5 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:11:49, Info CSI 000000e6 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:11:49, Info CSI 000000e7 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:11:58, Info CSI 000000ea [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:11:58, Info CSI 000000eb [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:11:58, Info CSI 000000ec [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:12:07, Info CSI 000000ef [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:12:08, Info CSI 000000f0 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:12:08, Info CSI 000000f1 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:12:11, Info CSI 000000f3 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:12:12, Info CSI 000000f4 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:12:12, Info CSI 000000f5 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:12:15, Info CSI 000000f7 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:12:15, Info CSI 000000f8 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:12:15, Info CSI 000000f9 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:12:25, Info CSI 000000fb [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:12:26, Info CSI 000000fc [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:12:26, Info CSI 000000fd [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:12:33, Info CSI 000000ff [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:12:34, Info CSI 00000100 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:12:34, Info CSI 00000101 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:12:44, Info CSI 00000103 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:12:44, Info CSI 00000104 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:12:44, Info CSI 00000105 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:12:54, Info CSI 0000011d [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:12:55, Info CSI 0000011e [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:12:55, Info CSI 0000011f [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:13:06, Info CSI 00000121 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:13:07, Info CSI 00000122 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:13:07, Info CSI 00000123 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:13:29, Info CSI 00000125 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:13:30, Info CSI 00000126 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:13:30, Info CSI 00000127 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:13:51, Info CSI 0000012a [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:13:52, Info CSI 0000012b [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:13:52, Info CSI 0000012c [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:14:13, Info CSI 0000012e [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:14:13, Info CSI 0000012f [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:14:13, Info CSI 00000130 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:14:15, Info CSI 00000132 [sR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"tcpmon.ini" of Microsoft-Windows-Printing-StandardPortMonitor-TCPMonINI, Version = 6.1.7600.16385, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch

2012-07-25 11:14:22, Info CSI 00000134 [sR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"tcpmon.ini" of Microsoft-Windows-Printing-StandardPortMonitor-TCPMonINI, Version = 6.1.7600.16385, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch

2012-07-25 11:14:22, Info CSI 00000135 [sR] This component was referenced by [l:202{101}]"Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.1.7601.17514.WindowsFoundationDelivery"

2012-07-25 11:14:22, Info CSI 00000138 [sR] Could not reproject corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:46{23}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32"\[l:20{10}]"tcpmon.ini"; source file in store is also corrupted

2012-07-25 11:14:22, Info CSI 0000013a [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:14:22, Info CSI 0000013b [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:14:22, Info CSI 0000013c [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:14:29, Info CSI 0000013e [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:14:29, Info CSI 0000013f [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:14:29, Info CSI 00000140 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:14:36, Info CSI 00000144 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:14:36, Info CSI 00000145 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:14:36, Info CSI 00000146 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:14:44, Info CSI 00000148 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:14:45, Info CSI 00000149 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:14:45, Info CSI 0000014a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:14:56, Info CSI 0000014d [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:14:57, Info CSI 0000014e [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:14:57, Info CSI 0000014f [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:15:04, Info CSI 00000151 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:15:05, Info CSI 00000152 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:15:05, Info CSI 00000153 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:15:12, Info CSI 00000156 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:15:12, Info CSI 00000157 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:15:12, Info CSI 00000158 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:15:23, Info CSI 0000015b [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:15:23, Info CSI 0000015c [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:15:23, Info CSI 0000015d [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:15:33, Info CSI 0000015f [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:15:34, Info CSI 00000160 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:15:34, Info CSI 00000161 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:15:41, Info CSI 00000163 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:15:42, Info CSI 00000164 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:15:42, Info CSI 00000165 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:15:51, Info CSI 00000167 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:15:51, Info CSI 00000168 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:15:51, Info CSI 00000169 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:16:04, Info CSI 0000016c [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:16:05, Info CSI 0000016d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:16:05, Info CSI 0000016e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:16:32, Info CSI 00000170 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:16:33, Info CSI 00000171 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:16:33, Info CSI 00000172 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:16:51, Info CSI 00000175 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:16:52, Info CSI 00000176 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:16:52, Info CSI 00000177 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:17:04, Info CSI 00000179 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:17:05, Info CSI 0000017a [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:17:05, Info CSI 0000017b [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:17:13, Info CSI 0000017f [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:17:14, Info CSI 00000180 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:17:14, Info CSI 00000181 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:17:21, Info CSI 00000183 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:17:22, Info CSI 00000184 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:17:22, Info CSI 00000185 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:17:31, Info CSI 00000188 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:17:32, Info CSI 00000189 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:17:32, Info CSI 0000018a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:17:42, Info CSI 0000018c [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:17:42, Info CSI 0000018d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:17:42, Info CSI 0000018e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:17:46, Info CSI 00000190 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:17:46, Info CSI 00000191 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:17:46, Info CSI 00000192 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:17:52, Info CSI 00000194 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:17:52, Info CSI 00000195 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:17:52, Info CSI 00000196 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:17:59, Info CSI 00000198 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:17:59, Info CSI 00000199 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:17:59, Info CSI 0000019a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:18:08, Info CSI 0000019c [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:18:08, Info CSI 0000019d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:18:08, Info CSI 0000019e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:18:15, Info CSI 000001a0 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:18:15, Info CSI 000001a1 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:18:15, Info CSI 000001a2 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:18:20, Info CSI 000001a4 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:18:21, Info CSI 000001a5 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:18:21, Info CSI 000001a6 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:18:39, Info CSI 000001a8 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:18:40, Info CSI 000001a9 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:18:40, Info CSI 000001aa [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:19:13, Info CSI 000001ac [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:19:13, Info CSI 000001ad [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:19:13, Info CSI 000001ae [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:19:24, Info CSI 000001b0 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:19:24, Info CSI 000001b1 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:19:24, Info CSI 000001b2 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:19:33, Info CSI 000001b4 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:19:34, Info CSI 000001b5 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:19:34, Info CSI 000001b6 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:19:36, Info CSI 000001b8 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:19:37, Info CSI 000001b9 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:19:37, Info CSI 000001ba [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:19:43, Info CSI 000001bc [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:19:44, Info CSI 000001bd [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:19:44, Info CSI 000001be [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:19:50, Info CSI 000001c0 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:19:51, Info CSI 000001c1 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:19:51, Info CSI 000001c2 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:20:01, Info CSI 000001ca [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:20:06, Info CSI 000001cb [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:20:06, Info CSI 000001cc [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:20:15, Info CSI 000001ce [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:20:15, Info CSI 000001cf [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:20:15, Info CSI 000001d0 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:20:20, Info CSI 000001d2 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:20:20, Info CSI 000001d3 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:20:20, Info CSI 000001d4 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:20:27, Info CSI 000001d6 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:20:28, Info CSI 000001d7 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:20:28, Info CSI 000001d8 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:20:36, Info CSI 000001da [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:20:37, Info CSI 000001db [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:20:37, Info CSI 000001dc [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:20:46, Info CSI 000001df [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:20:46, Info CSI 000001e0 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:20:46, Info CSI 000001e1 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:20:50, Info CSI 000001e3 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:20:50, Info CSI 000001e4 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:20:50, Info CSI 000001e5 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:20:55, Info CSI 000001e7 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:20:55, Info CSI 000001e8 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:20:55, Info CSI 000001e9 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:21:09, Info CSI 000001ee [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:21:09, Info CSI 000001ef [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:21:09, Info CSI 000001f0 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:21:23, Info CSI 000001f5 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:21:23, Info CSI 000001f6 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:21:23, Info CSI 000001f7 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:21:33, Info CSI 000001f9 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:21:34, Info CSI 000001fa [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:21:34, Info CSI 000001fb [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:21:42, Info CSI 00000207 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:21:42, Info CSI 00000208 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:21:42, Info CSI 00000209 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:21:51, Info CSI 0000020f [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:21:51, Info CSI 00000210 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:21:51, Info CSI 00000211 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:21:58, Info CSI 00000213 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:21:58, Info CSI 00000214 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:21:58, Info CSI 00000215 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:22:03, Info CSI 00000219 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:22:03, Info CSI 0000021a [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:22:03, Info CSI 0000021b [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:22:08, Info CSI 0000021d [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:22:09, Info CSI 0000021e [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:22:09, Info CSI 0000021f [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:22:17, Info CSI 00000244 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:22:17, Info CSI 00000245 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:22:17, Info CSI 00000246 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:22:23, Info CSI 00000248 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:22:24, Info CSI 00000249 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:22:24, Info CSI 0000024a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:22:30, Info CSI 0000024c [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:22:30, Info CSI 0000024d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:22:30, Info CSI 0000024e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:22:36, Info CSI 0000025b [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:22:36, Info CSI 0000025c [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:22:36, Info CSI 0000025d [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:22:43, Info CSI 00000260 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:22:44, Info CSI 00000261 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:22:44, Info CSI 00000262 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:22:54, Info CSI 0000026a [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:22:55, Info CSI 0000026b [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:22:55, Info CSI 0000026c [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:23:01, Info CSI 00000274 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:23:01, Info CSI 00000275 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:23:01, Info CSI 00000276 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:23:04, Info CSI 00000278 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:23:05, Info CSI 00000279 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:23:05, Info CSI 0000027a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:23:12, Info CSI 0000027d [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:23:13, Info CSI 0000027e [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:23:13, Info CSI 0000027f [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:23:16, Info CSI 00000281 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:23:17, Info CSI 00000282 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:23:17, Info CSI 00000283 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:23:19, Info CSI 00000285 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:23:20, Info CSI 00000286 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:23:20, Info CSI 00000287 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:23:29, Info CSI 00000289 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:23:29, Info CSI 0000028a [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:23:29, Info CSI 0000028b [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:23:36, Info CSI 0000028d [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:23:36, Info CSI 0000028e [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:23:36, Info CSI 0000028f [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:23:47, Info CSI 000002a9 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:23:47, Info CSI 000002aa [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:23:47, Info CSI 000002ab [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:23:54, Info CSI 000002ad [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:23:55, Info CSI 000002ae [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:23:55, Info CSI 000002af [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:24:12, Info CSI 000002b1 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:24:13, Info CSI 000002b2 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:24:13, Info CSI 000002b3 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:24:18, Info CSI 000002b5 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:24:18, Info CSI 000002b6 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:24:18, Info CSI 000002b7 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:24:23, Info CSI 000002bb [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:24:24, Info CSI 000002bc [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:24:24, Info CSI 000002bd [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:24:29, Info CSI 000002bf [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:24:29, Info CSI 000002c0 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:24:29, Info CSI 000002c1 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:24:35, Info CSI 000002c3 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:24:35, Info CSI 000002c4 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:24:35, Info CSI 000002c5 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:24:40, Info CSI 000002c7 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:24:41, Info CSI 000002c8 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:24:41, Info CSI 000002c9 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:24:47, Info CSI 000002cc [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:24:47, Info CSI 000002cd [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:24:47, Info CSI 000002ce [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:24:52, Info CSI 000002d0 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:24:53, Info CSI 000002d1 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:24:53, Info CSI 000002d2 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:24:58, Info CSI 000002d4 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:24:59, Info CSI 000002d5 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:24:59, Info CSI 000002d6 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:25:05, Info CSI 000002d8 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:25:06, Info CSI 000002d9 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:25:06, Info CSI 000002da [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:25:21, Info CSI 000002dd [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:25:21, Info CSI 000002de [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:25:21, Info CSI 000002df [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:25:26, Info CSI 000002e1 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:25:27, Info CSI 000002e2 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:25:27, Info CSI 000002e3 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:25:33, Info CSI 000002e5 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:25:33, Info CSI 000002e6 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:25:33, Info CSI 000002e7 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:25:38, Info CSI 000002e9 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:25:39, Info CSI 000002ea [sR] Verifying 100 (0x0000000000000064) components

2012-07-25 11:25:39, Info CSI 000002eb [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:25:45, Info CSI 000002ed [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:25:45, Info CSI 000002ee [sR] Verifying 21 (0x0000000000000015) components

2012-07-25 11:25:45, Info CSI 000002ef [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:25:46, Info CSI 000002f1 [sR] Verify complete

2012-07-25 11:25:46, Info CSI 000002f2 [sR] Repairing 1 components

2012-07-25 11:25:46, Info CSI 000002f3 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-07-25 11:25:46, Info CSI 000002f5 [sR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"tcpmon.ini" of Microsoft-Windows-Printing-StandardPortMonitor-TCPMonINI, Version = 6.1.7600.16385, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch

2012-07-25 11:25:46, Info CSI 000002f7 [sR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"tcpmon.ini" of Microsoft-Windows-Printing-StandardPortMonitor-TCPMonINI, Version = 6.1.7600.16385, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch

2012-07-25 11:25:46, Info CSI 000002f8 [sR] This component was referenced by [l:202{101}]"Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.1.7601.17514.WindowsFoundationDelivery"

2012-07-25 11:25:46, Info CSI 000002fb [sR] Could not reproject corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:46{23}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32"\[l:20{10}]"tcpmon.ini"; source file in store is also corrupted

2012-07-25 11:25:46, Info CSI 000002fd [sR] Repair complete

2012-07-25 11:25:46, Info CSI 000002fe [sR] Committing transaction

2012-07-25 11:25:46, Info CSI 00000302 [sR] Verify and Repair Transaction completed. All files and registry keys listed in this transaction have been successfully repaired

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