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system32/sqmapi.dll daar zit een slotje op daardoor kan ik de update Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (kB976932) niet uploaden.

Hoe krijg ik het slotje van het sqmapi.dll af?

Heb de eigenschappen vergeleken met de abdere .dll bestandjes, er zit een verschil in. Bij het sqmapi.dll mis ik bij "namen van groepen of gebruikers "TrustedInstaller". Hoe krijg ik die er in. Ook staan onder Machtigingen voor SYSTEM onder Toestaan, alles aangevinkt behalve Speciale machtigingen. Bij de overige .dll bestandjes staan alleen "Lezen en uitvoeren" en "Lezen"aangevinkt.

Kan iemand mij helpen om het slotje van sqmapi.dll af te halen?

Groetjes Maria


Bedankt voor uw reactie, Op uw verzoek de gevraagde afbeelding.


en een afbeelding van System32 waarin je ziet dat sqmapi.dll op slot zit.


Met vriendelijke groet,



Download en installeer Speccy.

Tijdens de installatie heb je nu de mogelijkheid om Nederlands als taal te selecteren.


Als je niet wil dat Google Chrome op je pc als standaard webbrowser wordt geïnstalleerd, moet je de 2 vinkjes wegdoen !!!

Start nu het programma en er zal een overzicht gemaakt worden van je hardware.

Als dit gereed is selecteer je bovenaan " Bestand - Publiceer Snapshot " en vervolgens bevestig je die keuze met " Ja ".

In het venster dat nu opent krijg je een link te zien, kopieer nu die link en plak die in je volgende bericht.

Wil je in woord en beeld zien hoe je een logje van Speccy maakt en plaatst kun je dat Hier lezen.

Ook Dit (KLIK) filmpje laat zien hoe je een Speccy-logje kan plakken in je antwoord.

Na het plaatsen van je logje wordt dit door een expert nagekeken.


Ga naar start -alle programma's - bureauaccessoires.

Klik met rechts op het icoon van de opdrachtprompt en kies voor uitvoeren als administrator om het opdrachtprompt te openen.

Typ sfc /scannow en druk enter. (let op de spatie voor de / )

Alle windows systeembestanden worden nu gecontroleerd op fouten en indien nodig vervangen door een correcte versie.

Hou de windows installatie cd/dvd bij de hand (als je er een hebt) want er kan om gevraagd worden.

Na de scan krijg je een overzicht van de resutlaten en een verwijzing naar een CBS logbestand.

Typ nu findstr /c:"[sR]" %windir%\Logs\CBS\CBS.log > "%userprofile%\Desktop\sfcdetails.txt" en druk enter.

Let op de spatie voor de / en %windir% en voor en na de >.

Nu zou je op je bureaublad het bestandje sfcdetails.txt moeten zien.

Voeg dit bestandje toe aan een volgend bericht.


Het lukt mij niet om het sfcdetails.txt bestandje bij te voegen middels de paperclip.

Moet nog even op jullie site kijken hoe dat dan wel moet moet.

Wel bijgevoegd een PrntScrn voordat de Sfc /scannow ging starten, moest ik eerst OK klikken. Het staat helemaal onderaan.

Wil nog even melden dat ik al meer dan 25jaar met een PC werk. Begonnen met MS-Dos -ASCII programmatjes maken. Alle versies van Windows gebruikt vanaf 3.0 tot Windows 7. Bekend met formateren, partities indelen etc. Geen probleem om een nieuw moederbord, geluidskaart of een station in pc te zetten.

Moet wel zeggen dat het vroeger allemaal leuker was, maar sinds Windows Millenium met de Hersteldatum is er nog maar weinig te rommelen.

Heb even gekeken bij een 64-bit daar is helemaal geen sqmapi.dll aanwezig. Is dat bestand eigenlijk wel nodig in een 32-bit?

Met vriendelijke groet, Maria




Hier dan de Sfc details.txt

2012-10-15 22:21:01, Info CSI 00000009 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:21:01, Info CSI 0000000a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:21:06, Info CSI 0000000c [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:21:06, Info CSI 0000000d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:21:06, Info CSI 0000000e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:21:09, Info CSI 00000010 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:21:10, Info CSI 00000011 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:21:10, Info CSI 00000012 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:21:16, Info CSI 00000014 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:21:16, Info CSI 00000015 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:21:16, Info CSI 00000016 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:21:18, Info CSI 00000018 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:21:18, Info CSI 00000019 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:21:18, Info CSI 0000001a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:21:20, Info CSI 0000001c [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:21:20, Info CSI 0000001d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:21:20, Info CSI 0000001e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:21:22, Info CSI 00000020 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:21:22, Info CSI 00000021 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:21:22, Info CSI 00000022 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:21:23, Info CSI 00000024 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:21:24, Info CSI 00000025 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:21:24, Info CSI 00000026 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:21:25, Info CSI 00000028 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:21:25, Info CSI 00000029 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:21:25, Info CSI 0000002a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:21:30, Info CSI 0000002c [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:21:30, Info CSI 0000002d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:21:30, Info CSI 0000002e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:21:34, Info CSI 00000030 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:21:34, Info CSI 00000031 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:21:34, Info CSI 00000032 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:21:36, Info CSI 00000034 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:21:37, Info CSI 00000035 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:21:37, Info CSI 00000036 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:21:40, Info CSI 00000038 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:21:40, Info CSI 00000039 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:21:40, Info CSI 0000003a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:21:44, Info CSI 0000003c [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:21:44, Info CSI 0000003d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:21:44, Info CSI 0000003e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:21:50, Info CSI 00000040 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:21:50, Info CSI 00000041 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:21:50, Info CSI 00000042 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:21:54, Info CSI 00000044 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:21:54, Info CSI 00000045 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:21:54, Info CSI 00000046 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:21:58, Info CSI 00000048 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:21:58, Info CSI 00000049 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:21:58, Info CSI 0000004a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:22:04, Info CSI 0000004b [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:46{23}]"\??\C:\Windows\apppatch"\[l:24{12}]"AcLayers.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:22:04, Info CSI 0000004d [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:22:04, Info CSI 0000004e [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:22:04, Info CSI 0000004f [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:22:12, Info CSI 00000051 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:22:13, Info CSI 00000052 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:22:13, Info CSI 00000053 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:22:18, Info CSI 00000058 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:22:18, Info CSI 00000059 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:22:18, Info CSI 0000005a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:22:24, Info CSI 0000005d [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:22:24, Info CSI 0000005e [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:22:24, Info CSI 0000005f [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:22:31, Info CSI 00000063 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:22:31, Info CSI 00000064 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:22:31, Info CSI 00000065 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:22:39, Info CSI 0000006f [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:22:39, Info CSI 00000070 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:22:39, Info CSI 00000071 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:22:47, Info CSI 00000073 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:22:47, Info CSI 00000074 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:22:47, Info CSI 00000075 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:22:56, Info CSI 00000077 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:22:56, Info CSI 00000078 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:22:56, Info CSI 00000079 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:23:04, Info CSI 0000007b [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:23:04, Info CSI 0000007c [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:23:04, Info CSI 0000007d [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:23:12, Info CSI 0000007f [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:23:12, Info CSI 00000080 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:23:12, Info CSI 00000081 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:23:21, Info CSI 00000083 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:23:21, Info CSI 00000084 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:23:21, Info CSI 00000085 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:23:32, Info CSI 00000089 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:23:33, Info CSI 0000008a [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:23:33, Info CSI 0000008b [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:23:43, Info CSI 0000008d [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:23:43, Info CSI 0000008e [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:23:43, Info CSI 0000008f [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:23:59, Info CSI 00000091 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:24:00, Info CSI 00000092 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:24:00, Info CSI 00000093 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:24:09, Info CSI 00000095 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:24:10, Info CSI 00000096 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:24:10, Info CSI 00000097 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:24:14, Info CSI 00000099 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:24:14, Info CSI 0000009a [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:24:14, Info CSI 0000009b [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:24:18, Info CSI 0000009d [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:24:18, Info CSI 0000009e [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:24:18, Info CSI 0000009f [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:24:28, Info CSI 000000b5 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:24:28, Info CSI 000000b6 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:24:28, Info CSI 000000b7 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:24:34, Info CSI 000000c1 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:24:34, Info CSI 000000c2 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:24:34, Info CSI 000000c3 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:24:38, Info CSI 000000c5 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:24:38, Info CSI 000000c6 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:24:38, Info CSI 000000c7 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:24:45, Info CSI 000000c9 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:24:45, Info CSI 000000ca [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:24:45, Info CSI 000000cb [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:24:51, Info CSI 000000cd [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:24:52, Info CSI 000000ce [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:24:52, Info CSI 000000cf [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:24:59, Info CSI 000000d0 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:74{37}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32\wdi\perftrack"\[l:80{40}]"Microsoft-Windows-IE-HTMLRendering.ptxml" from store

2012-10-15 22:24:59, Info CSI 000000d1 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:76{38}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer"\[l:20{10}]"sqmapi.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:25:00, Info CSI 000000d2 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:74{37}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32\wdi\perftrack"\[l:26{13}]"ieframe.ptxml" from store

2012-10-15 22:25:00, Info CSI 000000d4 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:25:01, Info CSI 000000d5 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:25:01, Info CSI 000000d6 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:25:09, Info CSI 000000d8 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:25:09, Info CSI 000000d9 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:25:09, Info CSI 000000da [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:25:13, Info CSI 000000dc [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:25:13, Info CSI 000000dd [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:25:13, Info CSI 000000de [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:25:22, Info CSI 000000df [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:58{29},l:56{28}]"\??\C:\Windows\system32\wbem"\[l:20{10}]"lsasrv.mof" from store

2012-10-15 22:25:25, Info CSI 000000e1 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:25:25, Info CSI 000000e2 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:25:25, Info CSI 000000e3 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:25:34, Info CSI 000000e5 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:25:34, Info CSI 000000e6 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:25:34, Info CSI 000000e7 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:25:42, Info CSI 000000e9 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:25:42, Info CSI 000000ea [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:25:42, Info CSI 000000eb [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:25:52, Info CSI 000000ec [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:46{23}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32"\[l:18{9}]"msdxm.ocx" from store

2012-10-15 22:25:52, Info CSI 000000ed [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:46{23}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32"\[l:20{10}]"dxmasf.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:25:52, Info CSI 000000f0 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:25:53, Info CSI 000000f1 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:25:53, Info CSI 000000f2 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:26:03, Info CSI 00000117 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:26:03, Info CSI 00000118 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:26:03, Info CSI 00000119 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:26:14, Info CSI 0000011b [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:26:14, Info CSI 0000011c [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:26:14, Info CSI 0000011d [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:26:38, Info CSI 0000011f [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:26:38, Info CSI 00000120 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:26:38, Info CSI 00000121 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:27:00, Info CSI 00000124 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:27:00, Info CSI 00000125 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:27:00, Info CSI 00000126 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:27:15, Info CSI 00000128 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:27:15, Info CSI 00000129 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:27:15, Info CSI 0000012a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:27:24, Info CSI 0000012c [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:27:24, Info CSI 0000012d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:27:24, Info CSI 0000012e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:27:33, Info CSI 00000130 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:27:33, Info CSI 00000131 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:27:33, Info CSI 00000132 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:27:40, Info CSI 00000135 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:27:40, Info CSI 00000136 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:27:40, Info CSI 00000137 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:27:48, Info CSI 00000139 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:27:49, Info CSI 0000013a [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:27:49, Info CSI 0000013b [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:28:00, Info CSI 0000013e [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:28:00, Info CSI 0000013f [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:28:00, Info CSI 00000140 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:28:09, Info CSI 00000142 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:28:10, Info CSI 00000143 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:28:10, Info CSI 00000144 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:28:18, Info CSI 00000146 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:28:18, Info CSI 00000147 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:28:18, Info CSI 00000148 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:28:30, Info CSI 0000014a [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:28:30, Info CSI 0000014b [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:28:30, Info CSI 0000014c [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:28:41, Info CSI 0000014f [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:28:41, Info CSI 00000150 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:28:41, Info CSI 00000151 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:28:47, Info CSI 00000153 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:46{23}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32"\[l:20{10}]"sqmapi.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:28:49, Info CSI 00000155 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:28:49, Info CSI 00000156 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:28:49, Info CSI 00000157 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:28:56, Info CSI 00000158 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:72{36}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Journal"\[l:20{10}]"jnwdui.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:28:56, Info CSI 00000159 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:72{36}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Journal"\[l:20{10}]"jnwppr.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:28:56, Info CSI 0000015a [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:72{36}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Journal"\[l:20{10}]"jnwmon.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:28:58, Info CSI 0000015c [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:28:59, Info CSI 0000015d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:28:59, Info CSI 0000015e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:29:05, Info CSI 0000015f [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:92{46}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3"\[l:20{10}]"jnwdui.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:05, Info CSI 00000160 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:90{45}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32\spool\prtprocs\w32x86"\[l:20{10}]"jnwppr.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:05, Info CSI 00000161 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:46{23}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32"\[l:20{10}]"jnwmon.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:07, Info CSI 00000164 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:29:07, Info CSI 00000165 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:29:07, Info CSI 00000166 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:29:18, Info CSI 00000167 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:26{13}]"Tanspecks.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:18, Info CSI 00000168 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:38{19}]"White_Chocolate.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:18, Info CSI 00000169 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:30{15}]"Psychedelic.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:18, Info CSI 0000016a [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:32{16}]"Connectivity.gif" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:18, Info CSI 0000016b [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:30{15}]"grid_(inch).wmf" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:18, Info CSI 0000016c [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:24{12}]"Notebook.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:18, Info CSI 0000016d [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:92{46}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Journal\Templates"\[l:26{13}]"Shorthand.jtp" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:18, Info CSI 0000016e [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:26{13}]"Shorthand.emf" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:18, Info CSI 0000016f [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:30{15}]"Pine_Lumber.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:18, Info CSI 00000170 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:34{17}]"Cave_Drawings.gif" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:18, Info CSI 00000171 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:92{46}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Journal\Templates"\[l:28{14}]"To_Do_List.jtp" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:18, Info CSI 00000172 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:28{14}]"To_Do_List.emf" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:18, Info CSI 00000173 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:92{46}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Journal\Templates"\[l:30{15}]"Dotted_Line.jtp" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:18, Info CSI 00000174 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:34{17}]"Blue_Gradient.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:18, Info CSI 00000175 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:32{16}]"Dotted_Lines.emf" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:18, Info CSI 00000176 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:28{14}]"Small_News.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:18, Info CSI 00000177 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:26{13}]"grid_(cm).wmf" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:18, Info CSI 00000178 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:92{46}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Journal\Templates"\[l:36{18}]"Month_Calendar.jtp" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:18, Info CSI 00000179 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:36{18}]"Month_Calendar.emf" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:18, Info CSI 0000017a [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:36{18}]"Pretty_Peacock.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:18, Info CSI 0000017b [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:28{14}]"Sand_Paper.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:18, Info CSI 0000017c [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:36{18}]"Wrinkled_Paper.gif" from store

2012-10-15 22:29:19, Info CSI 0000017e [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:29:19, Info CSI 0000017f [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:29:19, Info CSI 00000180 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:29:26, Info CSI 00000182 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:29:27, Info CSI 00000183 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:29:27, Info CSI 00000184 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:29:35, Info CSI 00000186 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:29:36, Info CSI 00000187 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:29:36, Info CSI 00000188 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:29:44, Info CSI 0000018b [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:29:44, Info CSI 0000018c [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:29:44, Info CSI 0000018d [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:29:55, Info CSI 0000018f [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:29:55, Info CSI 00000190 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:29:55, Info CSI 00000191 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:30:05, Info CSI 00000192 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:90{45}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Portable Devices"\[l:20{10}]"sqmapi.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:30:08, Info CSI 00000194 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:30:08, Info CSI 00000195 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:30:08, Info CSI 00000196 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:30:19, Info CSI 00000198 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:30:19, Info CSI 00000199 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:30:19, Info CSI 0000019a [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:30:22, Info CSI 0000019c [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:30:22, Info CSI 0000019d [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:30:22, Info CSI 0000019e [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:30:28, Info CSI 000001a0 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:30:29, Info CSI 000001a1 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:30:29, Info CSI 000001a2 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:30:35, Info CSI 000001a4 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:30:36, Info CSI 000001a5 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:30:36, Info CSI 000001a6 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:30:42, Info CSI 000001a8 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:30:42, Info CSI 000001a9 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:30:42, Info CSI 000001aa [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:30:48, Info CSI 000001ac [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:30:48, Info CSI 000001ad [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:30:48, Info CSI 000001ae [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:30:56, Info CSI 000001b0 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:30:56, Info CSI 000001b1 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:30:56, Info CSI 000001b2 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:31:18, Info CSI 000001b3 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:94{47}]"\??\C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\WPF"\[l:64{32}]"PresentationFontCache.exe.config" from store

2012-10-15 22:31:18, Info CSI 000001b5 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:31:18, Info CSI 000001b6 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:31:18, Info CSI 000001b7 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:32:00, Info CSI 000001b9 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:32:00, Info CSI 000001ba [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:32:00, Info CSI 000001bb [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:32:12, Info CSI 000001bd [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:32:12, Info CSI 000001be [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:32:12, Info CSI 000001bf [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:32:24, Info CSI 000001c1 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:32:24, Info CSI 000001c2 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:32:24, Info CSI 000001c3 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:32:33, Info CSI 000001c5 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:32:33, Info CSI 000001c6 [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:32:33, Info CSI 000001c7 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:32:39, Info CSI 000001c9 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:32:39, Info CSI 000001ca [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:32:39, Info CSI 000001cb [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:32:47, Info CSI 000001cd [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:32:47, Info CSI 000001ce [sR] Verifying 100 (0x00000064) components

2012-10-15 22:32:47, Info CSI 000001cf [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:32:56, Info CSI 000001d1 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:32:56, Info CSI 000001d2 [sR] Verifying 6 components

2012-10-15 22:32:56, Info CSI 000001d3 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:32:56, Info CSI 000001d5 [sR] Verify complete

2012-10-15 22:32:56, Info CSI 000001d6 [sR] Repairing 12 (0x0000000c) components

2012-10-15 22:32:56, Info CSI 000001d7 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:32:58, Info CSI 000001d8 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:76{38}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer"\[l:20{10}]"sqmapi.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:32:58, Info CSI 000001d9 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:94{47}]"\??\C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\WPF"\[l:64{32}]"PresentationFontCache.exe.config" from store

2012-10-15 22:32:58, Info CSI 000001da [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:90{45}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Portable Devices"\[l:20{10}]"sqmapi.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:32:58, Info CSI 000001db [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:74{37}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32\wdi\perftrack"\[l:26{13}]"ieframe.ptxml" from store

2012-10-15 22:32:59, Info CSI 000001dc [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:58{29},l:56{28}]"\??\C:\Windows\system32\wbem"\[l:20{10}]"lsasrv.mof" from store

2012-10-15 22:32:59, Info CSI 000001dd [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:72{36}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Journal"\[l:20{10}]"jnwdui.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:32:59, Info CSI 000001de [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:72{36}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Journal"\[l:20{10}]"jnwppr.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:32:59, Info CSI 000001df [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:72{36}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Journal"\[l:20{10}]"jnwmon.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:32:59, Info CSI 000001e0 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:46{23}]"\??\C:\Windows\apppatch"\[l:24{12}]"AcLayers.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:32:59, Info CSI 000001e1 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:74{37}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32\wdi\perftrack"\[l:80{40}]"Microsoft-Windows-IE-HTMLRendering.ptxml" from store

2012-10-15 22:32:59, Info CSI 000001e2 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:46{23}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32"\[l:18{9}]"msdxm.ocx" from store

2012-10-15 22:32:59, Info CSI 000001e3 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:46{23}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32"\[l:20{10}]"dxmasf.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001e6 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:46{23}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32"\[l:20{10}]"sqmapi.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001e7 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:92{46}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3"\[l:20{10}]"jnwdui.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001e8 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:90{45}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32\spool\prtprocs\w32x86"\[l:20{10}]"jnwppr.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001e9 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:46{23}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32"\[l:20{10}]"jnwmon.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001ea [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:26{13}]"Tanspecks.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001eb [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:38{19}]"White_Chocolate.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001ec [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:30{15}]"Psychedelic.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001ed [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:32{16}]"Connectivity.gif" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001ee [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:30{15}]"grid_(inch).wmf" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001ef [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:24{12}]"Notebook.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001f0 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:92{46}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Journal\Templates"\[l:26{13}]"Shorthand.jtp" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001f1 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:26{13}]"Shorthand.emf" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001f2 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:30{15}]"Pine_Lumber.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001f3 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:34{17}]"Cave_Drawings.gif" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001f4 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:92{46}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Journal\Templates"\[l:28{14}]"To_Do_List.jtp" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001f5 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:28{14}]"To_Do_List.emf" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001f6 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:92{46}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Journal\Templates"\[l:30{15}]"Dotted_Line.jtp" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001f7 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:34{17}]"Blue_Gradient.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001f8 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:32{16}]"Dotted_Lines.emf" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001f9 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:28{14}]"Small_News.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001fa [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:26{13}]"grid_(cm).wmf" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001fb [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:92{46}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Journal\Templates"\[l:36{18}]"Month_Calendar.jtp" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001fc [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:36{18}]"Month_Calendar.emf" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001fd [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:36{18}]"Pretty_Peacock.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001fe [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:28{14}]"Sand_Paper.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 000001ff [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:36{18}]"Wrinkled_Paper.gif" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:00, Info CSI 00000201 [sR] Repair complete

2012-10-15 22:33:01, Info CSI 00000202 [sR] Committing transaction

2012-10-15 22:33:01, Info CSI 00000203 [sR] Cannot commit interactively, there are boot critical components being repaired

2012-10-15 22:33:01, Info CSI 00000204 [sR] Repairing 12 (0x0000000c) components

2012-10-15 22:33:01, Info CSI 00000205 [sR] Beginning Verify and Repair transaction

2012-10-15 22:33:02, Info CSI 00000206 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:76{38}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer"\[l:20{10}]"sqmapi.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:02, Info CSI 00000207 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:94{47}]"\??\C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\WPF"\[l:64{32}]"PresentationFontCache.exe.config" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:02, Info CSI 00000208 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:90{45}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Portable Devices"\[l:20{10}]"sqmapi.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:02, Info CSI 00000209 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:74{37}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32\wdi\perftrack"\[l:26{13}]"ieframe.ptxml" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:02, Info CSI 0000020a [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:58{29},l:56{28}]"\??\C:\Windows\system32\wbem"\[l:20{10}]"lsasrv.mof" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:02, Info CSI 0000020b [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:72{36}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Journal"\[l:20{10}]"jnwdui.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:02, Info CSI 0000020c [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:72{36}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Journal"\[l:20{10}]"jnwppr.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:02, Info CSI 0000020d [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:72{36}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Journal"\[l:20{10}]"jnwmon.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:02, Info CSI 0000020e [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:46{23}]"\??\C:\Windows\apppatch"\[l:24{12}]"AcLayers.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:03, Info CSI 0000020f [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:74{37}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32\wdi\perftrack"\[l:80{40}]"Microsoft-Windows-IE-HTMLRendering.ptxml" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:03, Info CSI 00000210 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:46{23}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32"\[l:18{9}]"msdxm.ocx" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:03, Info CSI 00000211 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:46{23}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32"\[l:20{10}]"dxmasf.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:03, Info CSI 00000214 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:46{23}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32"\[l:20{10}]"sqmapi.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:03, Info CSI 00000215 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:92{46}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3"\[l:20{10}]"jnwdui.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:03, Info CSI 00000216 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:90{45}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32\spool\prtprocs\w32x86"\[l:20{10}]"jnwppr.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:03, Info CSI 00000217 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:46{23}]"\??\C:\Windows\System32"\[l:20{10}]"jnwmon.dll" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:04, Info CSI 00000218 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:26{13}]"Tanspecks.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:04, Info CSI 00000219 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:38{19}]"White_Chocolate.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:04, Info CSI 0000021a [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:30{15}]"Psychedelic.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:04, Info CSI 0000021b [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:32{16}]"Connectivity.gif" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:04, Info CSI 0000021c [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:30{15}]"grid_(inch).wmf" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:04, Info CSI 0000021d [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:24{12}]"Notebook.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:04, Info CSI 0000021e [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:92{46}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Journal\Templates"\[l:26{13}]"Shorthand.jtp" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:04, Info CSI 0000021f [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:26{13}]"Shorthand.emf" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:04, Info CSI 00000220 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:30{15}]"Pine_Lumber.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:04, Info CSI 00000221 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:34{17}]"Cave_Drawings.gif" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:04, Info CSI 00000222 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:92{46}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Journal\Templates"\[l:28{14}]"To_Do_List.jtp" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:04, Info CSI 00000223 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:28{14}]"To_Do_List.emf" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:04, Info CSI 00000224 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:92{46}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Journal\Templates"\[l:30{15}]"Dotted_Line.jtp" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:04, Info CSI 00000225 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:34{17}]"Blue_Gradient.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:04, Info CSI 00000226 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:32{16}]"Dotted_Lines.emf" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:04, Info CSI 00000227 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:28{14}]"Small_News.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:04, Info CSI 00000228 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:26{13}]"grid_(cm).wmf" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:04, Info CSI 00000229 [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:92{46}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Windows Journal\Templates"\[l:36{18}]"Month_Calendar.jtp" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:04, Info CSI 0000022a [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:36{18}]"Month_Calendar.emf" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:04, Info CSI 0000022b [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:36{18}]"Pretty_Peacock.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:04, Info CSI 0000022c [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:28{14}]"Sand_Paper.jpg" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:04, Info CSI 0000022d [sR] Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:122{61}]"\??\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery"\[l:36{18}]"Wrinkled_Paper.gif" from store

2012-10-15 22:33:04, Info CSI 0000022f [sR] Repair complete

Met vriendelijke groet, Maria

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