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AVG installatie probleem

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Ik probeer nu de nieuwe, gratis versie van AVG te installeren, maar ik krijg hierbij steeds een error:

Local machine: installation failed


Error: Action failed for registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows: creating registry key....

Error 0x80070005

Ik heb al een beetje gegoogled, maar helaas geen oplossing gevonden... Weet hier iemand raad ?


ik heb dit gevonden en als je engels goed is:

Check points:

Make sure the Administrators group has Full Control permissions to the Auto Update

registry key.

1. Use an account that has administrative credentials to log on to the Windows XP


2. Click Start, click Run, and then type the following command: regedit

3. Click OK.

4. Navigate to the following key in the registry:



5. Right-click the Auto Update folder, and then click Permissions.

6. Make sure that the Administrators group has Full Control.

Also check especially if the WindowsUpdate.log file will also read errors 0x80070005

and 0x80080005

(for Windows XP & Windows Server 2003

Locate the following key:


On the menu, click Edit. Click Permissions.

For Administrator and System, select the Allow check boxes next to Full Control and

Read permissions. NOTE: In certain instances, these check boxes are grayed out.

Ensure all accounts have appropriate permissions.

Click Apply, Click OK, Close the Registry Editor.

Restart the system.

If you're using Windows XP Pro make sure it hasn't been disabled by Group Policy:-

Start/Run/gpedit.msc. User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows

Components/Windows Update. In the right pane, double click, Remove access to all

Windows Update Features and set it to the default "not configured"

Another workaround is to use Regmon and see for what keys get "Access Denied", or

Restore the permission back to default

How to reset security settings back to the defaults

How to reset security settings back to the defaults - WinXP Professional

Regmon is a Registry monitoring utility that will show you which applications are

accessing your Registry, which keys they are accessing, and the Registry data that

they are reading and writing - all in real-time


Ik heb de uitleg ongeveer kunnen volgen, en heb alles gedaan wat er staat, denk ik.

(zie afbeelding: alles is denk ik toch aangevinkt, wat aangevinkt moet zijn...)


Ik heb nu ook weer geprobeerd AVG 8.0 te installeren, maar kreeg opnieuw dezelfde error :(


Nog steeds hetzelfde probleem :s

En toch al bedankt voor het meezoeken naar een oplossing hé :)

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