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Feature Settings Check for Desktop Solutions

Welcome to the AMTSO “Feature Settings Check” for your favorite Anti-Malware Desktop solution. With the different checks you can verify if the corresponding feature is configured properly within your Anti-Malware solution.





Welcome to the AMTSO “Feature Settings Check” for your favorite Android based Anti-Malware Solution. With the different checks you can verify if the corresponding feature is configured properly within your Anti-Malware solution.

  1. Test if your protection against the manual download of malware is enabled
  2. Test if your protection against a drive-by download is enabled
  3. Test if your protection against the download of a Potentially Unwanted Application (PUA) is enabled
  4. Test if your protection against accessing a Phishing Page is enabled

NOTE: none of the files downloaded nor pages visited are malicious by any means. It is only by industry-agreement that these innocent files are detected, solely for the purpose for the users to verify that their Android based Anti-Malware Solution is configured correctly and reacting as expected.

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