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Ik werk op XP en heb vandaag de TuneUp utilities gedownload en gebruikt (onderhoud, docter en defragmentatie)

Nu kan ik mijn AVG virusbescherming niet meer opdaten. De foutmelding is:

.bin file is missing

Ik heb het programma verwijderd en opnieuw geïnstalleerd maar ook nu kreeg ik bij het updaten dezelfde foutmelding.

Wie weet raad?



Zou me niet al te veel zorgen maken. Is geen probleem op jouw PC, maar wel een algemeen (ondertussen bekend) probleem bij AVG zelf. Geplukt van het AVG-forum (wel even in het Engels) :

"Currently the update for AVG Free v8 is corrupted... you will have to wait for AVG Technologies to address the issue with the update.

Reporting the issue again by other users here will not do any good util it is resolved.

The updates that your AVG currently have will still provide the protection it is setup to detect. In otherwords, just getting this update will not make your AVG Free ineffective and as soon as AVG Tech resolves the issue you will be able to update to the current virus definitions at that time.

So in short... please do not post to report the issue, its already known. Also please be patient until AVG Technologies can address the issue."


Dank je voor je informatie. Ik wacht avg af.

Zou me niet al te veel zorgen maken. Is geen probleem op jouw PC, maar wel een algemeen (ondertussen bekend) probleem bij AVG zelf. Geplukt van het AVG-forum (wel even in het Engels) :

"Currently the update for AVG Free v8 is corrupted... you will have to wait for AVG Technologies to address the issue with the update.

Reporting the issue again by other users here will not do any good util it is resolved.

The updates that your AVG currently have will still provide the protection it is setup to detect. In otherwords, just getting this update will not make your AVG Free ineffective and as soon as AVG Tech resolves the issue you will be able to update to the current virus definitions at that time.

So in short... please do not post to report the issue, its already known. Also please be patient until AVG Technologies can address the issue."

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