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Pc to Tv-out card

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:argh::argh:Hello Helpforum people,

I saw so many information for TV out cards. Maybe I can make a question for you about my video card. I have ASUS Nvidia Gforce 6600 whith the newest display drivers installed. Here it comes sir.

Connected on tv and I see my computer, desktop, very clear on the TV. 60 Hertz,1280-960. Under this no desktop on tv to see. Ok nice, but when I play a movie no movie on the TV only see Media player on the tv.....

What Im doing wrong. Whith correction I have to make in the opsions from my garffic card?????? Do you have an solution?

Groeten van Emile, Amsterdam



sorry but this is a DUTCH language forum only, so we don't help people in english.

we do not want to let you leave without a solution so here it comes.

you have to clone your desktop and NOT extend it.

you can do this in the nvidia drivers or you can do this via the screen configuration from the windows xp or vista

this topic is closed becouse the language here is dutch

topic gesloten wegens de taal. enkel nederlands toegestaan hier

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