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Beste leden,

ik heb onlangs Linux 12.04 geïnstalleerd.

Mijn Inktjetprinter All in One Epson Stylus SX535WD kan echter niet scannen.

Heeft iemand hier een oplossing voor?

Dank, vriendelijke groet,

Bas Vincken


Dag Bas,

Heb je de pakketten voor Linux scanner al gedownload van de Epson website zelf?

Ga daarvoor naar: Welkom bij Epson België

Klik op "Support".


Vervolgens selecteer je de juiste items zoals op de foto en klik je op "Bevestig de selectie".


klik op "Drivers en software".


Klik op "Driver"


Vul uw apparaat nummer in en selecteer Linux en klik op zoeken zoals afgebeeld.


download nu de nodige pakketten


hopelijk krijg je dan uw scanner aan de praat


Dag Bas,

Zonet kreeg ik van een vriend nog een belangrijke raad.

Om softwarematig te kunnen scannen zal je hoogstwaarschijnlijk ook het programma voor Ubuntu nodig hebben.

simple-scan kan je via het softwarebeheer ophalen en installeren

of je kan het ook meteen in de cli (command line interface) doen (terminal):

haal eerst de nieuwste software bronnen op met de volgende opdracht in de terminal

kopieer en plak om fouten te voorkomen:

sudo apt-get update

druk op de enter toets

er kan naar je passwoord gevraagd worden, typ je passwoord in (om veiligheid redenen kan je het passwoord niet zien terwijl je het intypt, dat is normaal dat hoort zo te gebeuren) en druk op enter.

kopieer en plak om fouten te voorkomen:

sudo apt-get install simple-scan

druk op enter


[h=2]Hallo Hensyr,

heel hartelijk bedankt voor de moeite.

Ik heb eerst de ************all.deb file gevonden via internationale epson site. (weet niet meer precies welke.) en geinstalleerd.

daarna de 32bits iscan file van de belgische Epson site .

Ik kan nu scannen in LibreOffice writer. Zie onderaan nog wat info.

Nogmaals hartelijk dank.


What Image Scan! for Linux packages do I need to install in order to use my Epson scanner?[/h]

  • Normal model : [data package] > [core package]
  • Network supported model : [data package] > [core package] > [network plugin package]
  • Image processing supported model : [data package] > [core package] > [image processing plugin package]


  • Install this package first, it is always required.
    1. For RPM based distributions such as Fedora, openSUSE, or Mandriva Linux
      Install the package listed under "RPM package"
      ex) iscan-data-*.**.*-*.noarch.rpm
    2. For deb based distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu, or Linux Mint
      Install the package listed under "deb package"
      ex) iscan-data-*.**.*-*_all.deb


  • Install all packages listed under the section appropriate for your system as indicated below.
  • Plugin/Interpreter packages are also listed here. If available, these packages are also required.



[TH=width: 236, bgcolor: #000000] Distribution


[TH=width: 219, bgcolor: #000000] Download Section




[TD=width: 236] Mandriva Linux 2009.0 or earlier[usb0.1+libltdl3]

Fedora 10 or earlier

openSUSE 11.0 or earlier

Redhat Enterprise Linux 5 or earlier


[TD=width: 219] RPM (32 or 64) bit package


32bit : iscan-*.**.*-*.usb0.1.ltdl3.i386.rpm

64bit : iscan-*.**.*-*.usb0.1.ltdl3.x86_64.rpm




[TD=width: 236] Mandriva Linux 2009.1 or later[usb0.1+libltdl7]

Fedora 11 or later

openSUSE 11.1 or later

SUSE Linux Enterprise 11

PCLinuxOS 2010.07

Redhat Enterprise Linux 6 or later


[TD=width: 219] RPM (32 or 64) bit package


32bit : iscan-*.**.*-*.usb0.1.ltdl7.i386.rpm

64bit : iscan-*.**.*-*.usb0.1.ltdl7.x86_64.rpm




[TD=width: 236] Ubuntu 8.04 or earlier[usb0.1+libltdl3]

Linux Mint 5 or earlier

Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 or earlier


[TD=width: 219] deb (32 or 64) bit package


32bit : iscan-*.**.*-*~usb0.1.ltdl3_i386.deb

64bit : iscan-*.**.*-*~usb0.1.ltdl3_amd64.deb




[TD=width: 236] Ubuntu 8.10 or later[usb0.1+libltdl7]

Linux Mint 6 or later

Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 or later


[TD=width: 219] deb (32 or 64) bit package [libltdl7]


32bit : iscan-*.**.*-*~usb0.1.ltdl7_i386.deb

64bit : iscan-*.**.*-*~usb0.1.ltdl7_amd64.deb




  • The above information is not a guarantee that the software will work on the indicated distributions
  • The software may work on other distributions/versions not listed above
  • On some distributions, an error occurs when attempting to install the software. Please see the FAQ for detailed installation instructions.
  • For information on the combinations of models and distribution versions that have been confirmed by us, see "Check OS of operation". Although combinations that are not listed in "Check OS of operation" may also work, they have not been confirmed by us. ---------------------------

This package is optional and only available for certain devices. Install it if you want to scan via your device's Ethernet or Wi-fi interface.

  1. For RPM based distributions such as Fedora, openSUSE, or Mandriva Linux
    Install the package listed under "RPM (32 or 64) bit package"
    32bit : iscan-network-nt-*.*.*-*.i386.rpm
    64bit : iscan-network-nt-*.*.*-*.x86_64.rpm
  2. For deb based distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu, or Linux Mint
    Install the package listed under "deb (32 or 64) bit package"
    32bit : iscan-network-nt-*.*.*-*.i386.deb
    64bit : iscan-network-nt-*.*.*-*.amd64.deb

  • This package is optional to add some image processing functions and only available for certain devices. Install it if you want to use some image processing functions.
    • When selecting a package, please refer to the description of the core package.


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