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bij windows update krijg ik de melding

er kan niet naar nieuwe updates worden gezocht

code 80070490 onbekende fout

hoe kan ik terug updates krijgen


Simpel maar langdurig werk zoek je windows cd en kies voor repair, upgrade maar zeker niet reinstall.

Of anders gezegd (ik hoop dat je wat internet engels kan)

The problem was eventually resolved by Microsoft Support via their free service for update issues - thanks for that advice, PA Bear. In spite of trying various ‘fixes’ with guidance from Microsoft, I ultimately had to ‘upgrade’ (not reinstall) Windows using the original Windows Vista disk. This process takes much longer than a typical install - so long in fact that at one stage I thought the system had frozen and that I’d have to do a complete reinstall. Fortunately ‘upgrade’ eventually completed the various tasks and all original data, other installed software and setting were preserved, so ‘upgrading’ was the better option - for me at least.

I hope this helps. Good luck.

Veel geluk.

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