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Aanbevolen berichten


Wie kan mij helpen met een Java probleem.

Ik heb diverse keren een email naar gestuurd voor hulp bij het installeren van de nieuwe Java versie.

Dit is nog niet gelukt wegens onderstaand beschrijving en antwoorden van Sun Microsystems, waar ik geen touw aan kan vastknopen.

Ondertussen wel JRE zonder probleem kunnen installeren. staat er ook nog op.

Misschien dat iemand anders hier iets mee kan ??


Thank you for contacting Sun Microsystems, Inc. We are sorry, but we are not

able to locate the incident you originally filed with us.

Please make sure that:

1. You respond to the reply email we sent you in response to your original


2. Keep the subject line intact in your correspondence, as it contains

information necessary for tracking your incident.

3. Keep all the information intact in our reply above the line labeled

"Please include any reply above this line".

The above steps will help us in locating your incident and serving you better.

Thank you,

Sun Microsystems, Inc.


You wrote :


Mijn adres ed heb ik hier verwijderd !!!!!


Dear support

I am struggling with Java for about 8 weeks.

It started when I installed OpenOffice version 3.

What happened was: CPU uses 100%,after registration screen was closed.

After some searching, I found that Java was the problem.

After numerous attempts of redownloading, uninstall and reinstalling, I've reinstalled OpenOffice version 2.4 again without any problem.

But I wanted OpenOffice version 3 for pdf handling.

Uninstall for Java is after all this not available anymore, so I have to removed it manually.

Then I used Windows Install Clean Up, Regseeker, Advanced SystemCare v3, TuneUp 2008 Registry Cleaner and RegScubber to cleanup the registry every time.

I've tried ?JavaRa (Java Uninstall).zip? without success.

I have been searching Sun websites and other forums about this Java problem, but this is to complicated or not usable in this case.

Java is not shown in Software or other uninstallers. Only in C:\Documents and Settings\as\Application Data\Sun\Java\jre1.6.0_11. This is the MSI installation folder from Java.

Starting it will only result in Zoeken Java setup.jpg? screenshot.

?I manually searched the registry for SUN, JRE and JAVA and removed everything, except the ones in the Zoeken Java.jpg? screenshot. I'm not sure if the are from Microsoft Java or not.

I added these 2 screenshots in the attachmentlist.

I even try to extract jre 1.6.0_07 from a previous Image of C:\ partition, I made with DIXML from Runtime Software. After some fighting, it is working.

But updating to 6.11 opens up Zoeken Java setup.jpg? screenshot again, with no result if I go ahead.

The only option I could think of is clear the keys in Zoeken Java.jpg? screenshot, after making a new IMAGE of C:\ partition.

I have a UBCD4WIN to restore C:\ if booting problems should turn up.

I've noticed that java_install.log is empty.

NOTE: Translation of Zoeken = searching.

So if you now a solution, I love to here from you.



Sat Dec 20 17:13:53 2008

:: Java6FamilyVersion wasn't set, but VERSION=1.6.0_11 is installed as consumer.

Sat Dec 20 18:31:21 2008

:: Java6FamilyVersion wasn't set, but VERSION=1.6.0_11 is installed as consumer.

Sat Dec 20 18:32:07 2008

:: Msi file from URL=, downloaded to=C:\Documents and Settings\as\Application Data\Sun\Java\jre1.6.0_11\jre1.6.0_11-c.msi

Sat Dec 20 18:33:47 2008

:: Java6FamilyVersion wasn't set, but VERSION=1.6.0_11 is installed as consumer.

Sat Dec 20 18:33:50 2008

:: Download Cancelled by User: from=, to=C:\Documents and Settings\as\Application Data\Sun\Java\jre1.6.0_11\jre1.6.0_11-c.msi

Sat Dec 20 18:39:25 2008

:: Java6FamilyVersion wasn't set, but VERSION=1.6.0_11 is installed as consumer.

Sat Dec 20 18:39:35 2008

:: InstallStatus:ret=200 visid=59c38d49-4d2dd7e54 method=joff-s state=ic ver=XX,1.6.0_11-b03 ICstatus=;jre|-128

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Sun Dec 21 15:25:24 2008

:: InstallStatus:ret=200 visid=12aa17649-4e51d3dc4 method= state=ic ver=1.6.0_11,1.6.0_07-b06 ICstatus=;jre|0

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Sun Dec 21 15:53:34 2008

:: Java6FamilyVersion wasn't set, but VERSION=1.6.0_11 is installed as consumer.

Sun Dec 21 15:54:21 2008

:: Msi file from URL=, downloaded to=C:\Documents and Settings\as\Application Data\Sun\Java\jre1.6.0_11\jre1.6.0_11-c.msi

Sun Dec 21 15:54:34 2008

:: InstallStatus:ret=200 visid=f5589494-e57ab8d4 method=jother state=ic ver=1.6.0_07,1.6.0_11-b90 ICstatus=;jre|-128

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



Process start at 12/20/2008-17:19:37.


== Start JNICALL Java_com_sun_deploy_panel_PlatformSpecificUtils_onLoad ==

== End JNICALL Java_com_sun_deploy_panel_PlatformSpecificUtils_onLoad ==


Process start at 12/20/2008-17:19:38.


== Start JNICALL Java_com__sun_deploy_panel_PlatformSpecificUtils_initBrowserSettings ==

-- Start in IsDefaultVMInIExplorer --

== End JNICALL Java_com__sun_deploy_panel_PlatformSpecificUtils_initBrowserSettings ==


Process start at 12/20/2008-17:19:38.


== Start JNICALL Java_com_sun_deploy_panel_PlatformSpecificUtils_getPublicJres ==


Process start at 12/20/2008-17:19:38.


== Start JNICALL Java_com__sun_deploy_panel_PlatformSpecificUtils_applyBrowserSettings ==

-- Start in IsDefaultVMInIExplorer --

== End JNICALL Java_com__sun_deploy_panel_PlatformSpecificUtils_applyBrowserSettings ==

** Start WINAPI GetLogFileName **

** Start WINAPI InstallJava: 0 **

** End WINAPI InstallJava **


Process start at 12/21/2008-15:30:00.


== Start JNICALL Java_com_sun_deploy_util_UpdateCheck_shouldPromptForAutoCheck ==

-- Start in LogInfo --



DEFAULTBROWSER HTTP\Shell\open\ddeexec\Application is: IExplore

DEFAULTBROWSERVISTA2NDKEY Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\http\UserChoice\Progid is:

-- Start in ShowOO --

-- ShowOO -- Turning off OO

-- Start in ShowYahoo --

-- ShowYahoo -- rcode key is: 2

-- ShowYahoo -- ytb key is: 0

-- ShowYahoo -- intl key is:

-- ShowYahoo -- Turning off Yahoo

-- ShowYahoo -- Not a country in the country list

-- DetermineSponsor -- begin

-- DetermineSponsor -- The following sponsors have already been offered:

-- DetermineSponsor -- The preference order is: SP4;SP3

-- DetermineSponsor -- The sponsors that are offerable are:

-- DetermineSponsor -- szSponsorsOfferableNotAlreadyOffered is:

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsors found that have not already been offered

-- DetermineSponsor -- walking through sponsors offerable to find a sponsor found that WAS already offered. szSponsorsOfferableSave is: , szPreferenceOrderSave is: SP4;SP3

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsor found

-- Start in LogInfo --



DEFAULTBROWSER HTTP\Shell\open\ddeexec\Application is: IExplore

DEFAULTBROWSERVISTA2NDKEY Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\http\UserChoice\Progid is:

-- Start in ShowOO --

-- ShowOO -- Turning off OO

-- Start in ShowYahoo --

-- ShowYahoo -- rcode key is: 2

-- ShowYahoo -- ytb key is: 0

-- ShowYahoo -- intl key is:

-- ShowYahoo -- Turning off Yahoo

-- ShowYahoo -- Not a country in the country list

-- DetermineSponsor -- begin

-- DetermineSponsor -- The following sponsors have already been offered:

-- DetermineSponsor -- The preference order is: SP4;SP3

-- DetermineSponsor -- The sponsors that are offerable are:

-- DetermineSponsor -- szSponsorsOfferableNotAlreadyOffered is:

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsors found that have not already been offered

-- DetermineSponsor -- walking through sponsors offerable to find a sponsor found that WAS already offered. szSponsorsOfferableSave is: , szPreferenceOrderSave is: SP4;SP3

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsor found

-- Start in LogInfo --



DEFAULTBROWSER HTTP\Shell\open\ddeexec\Application is: IExplore

DEFAULTBROWSERVISTA2NDKEY Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\http\UserChoice\Progid is:

-- Start in ShowYahoo --

-- ShowYahoo -- rcode key is: 2

-- ShowYahoo -- ytb key is: 0

-- ShowYahoo -- intl key is:

-- ShowYahoo -- Turning off Yahoo

-- ShowYahoo -- Not a country in the country list

-- Start in ShowMSTB --

-- IsIEDefault() -- key1 is: IExplore

-- IsIEDefault() -- key2 is:

-- ShowMSTB -- IE is the default browser

-- ShowMSTB -- OS supported

-- ShowMSTB -- Turning off MSTB

-- DetermineSponsor -- begin

-- DetermineSponsor -- The following sponsors have already been offered:

-- DetermineSponsor -- The preference order is: SP8;SP4

-- DetermineSponsor -- The sponsors that are offerable are:

-- DetermineSponsor -- szSponsorsOfferableNotAlreadyOffered is:

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsors found that have not already been offered

-- DetermineSponsor -- walking through sponsors offerable to find a sponsor found that WAS already offered. szSponsorsOfferableSave is: , szPreferenceOrderSave is: SP8;SP4

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsor found

-- Start in LogInfo --



DEFAULTBROWSER HTTP\Shell\open\ddeexec\Application is: IExplore

DEFAULTBROWSERVISTA2NDKEY Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\http\UserChoice\Progid is:

-- Start in ShowYahoo --

-- ShowYahoo -- rcode key is: 2

-- ShowYahoo -- ytb key is: 0

-- ShowYahoo -- intl key is:

-- ShowYahoo -- Turning off Yahoo

-- ShowYahoo -- Not a country in the country list

-- Start in ShowMSTB --

-- IsIEDefault() -- key1 is: IExplore

-- IsIEDefault() -- key2 is:

-- ShowMSTB -- IE is the default browser

-- ShowMSTB -- OS supported

-- ShowMSTB -- Turning off MSTB

-- DetermineSponsor -- begin

-- DetermineSponsor -- The following sponsors have already been offered:

-- DetermineSponsor -- The preference order is: SP8;SP4

-- DetermineSponsor -- The sponsors that are offerable are:

-- DetermineSponsor -- szSponsorsOfferableNotAlreadyOffered is:

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsors found that have not already been offered

-- DetermineSponsor -- walking through sponsors offerable to find a sponsor found that WAS already offered. szSponsorsOfferableSave is: , szPreferenceOrderSave is: SP8;SP4

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsor found

-- Start in LogInfo --



DEFAULTBROWSER HTTP\Shell\open\ddeexec\Application is: IExplore

DEFAULTBROWSERVISTA2NDKEY Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\http\UserChoice\Progid is:

-- Start in ShowOO --

-- ShowOO -- Turning off OO

-- Start in ShowYahoo --

-- ShowYahoo -- rcode key is: 2

-- ShowYahoo -- ytb key is: 0

-- ShowYahoo -- intl key is:

-- ShowYahoo -- Turning off Yahoo

-- ShowYahoo -- Not a country in the country list

-- DetermineSponsor -- begin

-- DetermineSponsor -- The following sponsors have already been offered:

-- DetermineSponsor -- The preference order is: SP4;SP3

-- DetermineSponsor -- The sponsors that are offerable are:

-- DetermineSponsor -- szSponsorsOfferableNotAlreadyOffered is:

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsors found that have not already been offered

-- DetermineSponsor -- walking through sponsors offerable to find a sponsor found that WAS already offered. szSponsorsOfferableSave is: , szPreferenceOrderSave is: SP4;SP3

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsor found

-- Start in LogInfo --



DEFAULTBROWSER HTTP\Shell\open\ddeexec\Application is: Firefox

DEFAULTBROWSERVISTA2NDKEY Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\http\UserChoice\Progid is:

-- Start in ShowYahoo --

-- ShowYahoo -- rcode key is: 8

-- ShowYahoo -- ytb key is: 0

-- ShowYahoo -- intl key is:

-- ShowYahoo -- Turning off Yahoo

-- ShowYahoo -- Not a country in the country list

-- Start in ShowMSTB --

-- IsIEDefault() -- key1 is: Firefox

-- IsIEDefault() -- key2 is:

-- ShowMSTB -- IE is NOT the default browser

-- DetermineSponsor -- begin

-- DetermineSponsor -- The following sponsors have already been offered:

-- DetermineSponsor -- The preference order is: SP8;SP4

-- DetermineSponsor -- The sponsors that are offerable are:

-- DetermineSponsor -- szSponsorsOfferableNotAlreadyOffered is:

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsors found that have not already been offered

-- DetermineSponsor -- walking through sponsors offerable to find a sponsor found that WAS already offered. szSponsorsOfferableSave is: , szPreferenceOrderSave is: SP8;SP4

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsor found



Mijn adres ed heb ik hier verwijderd !!!!!


Dear support

I am struggling with Java for about 8 weeks.

It started when I installed OpenOffice version 3.

What happened was: CPU uses 100%,after registration screen was closed.

After some searching, I found that Java was the problem.

After numerous attempts of redownloading, uninstall and reinstalling, I've reinstalled OpenOffice version 2.4 again without any problem.

But I wanted OpenOffice version 3 for pdf handling.

When I inspect C:\Documents and Settings\as\Application Data, I think there are some leftovers from OOv3.

There is a folder C:\Documents and Settings\as\Application Data\, with a subfolder "3", size: 1,67 MB, 27 subfolders and 64 files in it.

And a match larger folder C:\Documents and Settings\as\Application Data\OpenOffice.org2.

Uninstall for Java is after all this not available anymore, so I have to removed it manually.

Then I used Windows Install Clean Up, Regseeker, Advanced SystemCare v3, TuneUp 2008 Registry Cleaner and RegScubber to cleanup the registery every time.

I've tried “JavaRa (Java Uninstall).zip” without success.

I have been searching Sun websites and other forums about this Java problem, but this is to complicated or not usable in this case.

Java is not shown in Software or other uninstallers. Only in C:\Documents and Settings\as\Application Data\Sun\Java\jre1.6.0_11. This is the MSI installation folder from Java. Starting it will only result in “Zoeken Java setup.jpg” screenshot

I manually searched the registery for SUN, JRE and JAVA and removed everything, except the ones in the “Zoeken Java.jpg” screenshot. I'm not sure if the are from Microsoft Java or not.

I added these 2 screenshots in the attachmentlist.

I even try to extract jre 1.6.0_07 from a previous Image of C:\ partition, I made with DIXML from Runtime Software. After some fighting, it is working, but there is no Java icon in Control panel.

Repairing it in SOFTWARE makes no difference.When I try to install 6.11, “Zoeken Java setup.jpg” screenshot opens up again, with no result if I click YES. The text is: “This software has already been

installed on your computer. Would you like to reinstall it?”

I have been trying to send you the log files and screenshots but I'm getting something back, I don't now what to do with. It looks like the screenshots where not coming true.

I'm inserting it in this mail, above this updated question.

The Error Re: Java trouble came from

To make sure that you get this email in a proper way, I don't ad any attachments.

I,m waiting for your response before I do anything to repair.

So if you now a solution, I love to here from you.




You wrote :


Mijn adres ed heb ik hier verwijderd !!!!!


Dear support

I am struggling with Java for about 8 weeks.

It started when I installed OpenOffice version 3.

What happened was: CPU uses 100%,after registration screen was closed.

After some searching, I found that Java was the problem.

After numerous attempts of redownloading, uninstall and reinstalling, I've reinstalled OpenOffice version 2.4 again without any problem.

But I wanted OpenOffice version 3 for pdf handling.

Uninstall for Java is after all this not available anymore, so I have to removed it manually.

Then I used Windows Install Clean Up, Regseeker, Advanced SystemCare v3, TuneUp 2008 Registry Cleaner and RegScubber to cleanup the registry every time.

I've tried ?JavaRa (Java Uninstall).zip? without success.

I have been searching Sun websites and other forums about this Java problem, but this is to complicated or not usable in this case.

Java is not shown in Software or other uninstallers. Only in C:\Documents and Settings\as\Application Data\Sun\Java\jre1.6.0_11. This is the MSI installation folder from Java.

Starting it will only result in ?Zoeken Java setup.jpg? screenshot.

?I manually searched the registry for SUN, JRE and JAVA and removed everything, except the ones in the ?Zoeken Java.jpg? screenshot. I'm not sure if the are from Microsoft Java or not.

I added these 2 screenshots in the attachmentlist.

I even try to extract jre 1.6.0_07 from a previous Image of C:\ partition, I made with DIXML from Runtime Software. After some fighting, it is working.

But updating to 6.11 opens up ?Zoeken Java setup.jpg? screenshot again, with no result if I go ahead.

The only option I could think of is clear the keys in ?Zoeken Java.jpg? screenshot, after making a new IMAGE of C:\ partition.

I have a UBCD4WIN to restore C:\ if booting problems should turn up.

I've noticed that java_install.log is empty.

NOTE: Translation of? Zoeken = searching.

So if you now a solution, I love to here from you.



Sat Dec 20 17:13:53 2008

:: Java6FamilyVersion wasn't set, but VERSION=1.6.0_11 is installed as consumer.

Sat Dec 20 18:31:21 2008

:: Java6FamilyVersion wasn't set, but VERSION=1.6.0_11 is installed as consumer.

Sat Dec 20 18:32:07 2008

:: Msi file from URL=, downloaded to=C:\Documents and Settings\as\Application Data\Sun\Java\jre1.6.0_11\jre1.6.0_11-c.msi

Sat Dec 20 18:33:47 2008

:: Java6FamilyVersion wasn't set, but VERSION=1.6.0_11 is installed as consumer.

Sat Dec 20 18:33:50 2008

:: Download Cancelled by User: from=, to=C:\Documents and Settings\as\Application Data\Sun\Java\jre1.6.0_11\jre1.6.0_11-c.msi

Sat Dec 20 18:39:25 2008

:: Java6FamilyVersion wasn't set, but VERSION=1.6.0_11 is installed as consumer.

Sat Dec 20 18:39:35 2008

:: InstallStatus:ret=200 visid=59c38d49-4d2dd7e54 method=joff-s state=ic ver=XX,1.6.0_11-b03 ICstatus=;jre|-128

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Sun Dec 21 15:25:24 2008

:: InstallStatus:ret=200 visid=12aa17649-4e51d3dc4 method= state=ic ver=1.6.0_11,1.6.0_07-b06 ICstatus=;jre|0

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Sun Dec 21 15:53:34 2008

:: Java6FamilyVersion wasn't set, but VERSION=1.6.0_11 is installed as consumer.

Sun Dec 21 15:54:21 2008

:: Msi file from URL=, downloaded to=C:\Documents and Settings\as\Application Data\Sun\Java\jre1.6.0_11\jre1.6.0_11-c.msi

Sun Dec 21 15:54:34 2008

:: InstallStatus:ret=200 visid=f5589494-e57ab8d4 method=jother state=ic ver=1.6.0_07,1.6.0_11-b90 ICstatus=;jre|-128

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



Process start at 12/20/2008-17:19:37.


== Start JNICALL Java_com_sun_deploy_panel_PlatformSpecificUtils_onLoad ==

== End JNICALL Java_com_sun_deploy_panel_PlatformSpecificUtils_onLoad ==


Process start at 12/20/2008-17:19:38.


== Start JNICALL Java_com__sun_deploy_panel_PlatformSpecificUtils_initBrowserSettings ==

-- Start in IsDefaultVMInIExplorer --

== End JNICALL Java_com__sun_deploy_panel_PlatformSpecificUtils_initBrowserSettings ==


Process start at 12/20/2008-17:19:38.


== Start JNICALL Java_com_sun_deploy_panel_PlatformSpecificUtils_getPublicJres ==


Process start at 12/20/2008-17:19:38.


== Start JNICALL Java_com__sun_deploy_panel_PlatformSpecificUtils_applyBrowserSettings ==

-- Start in IsDefaultVMInIExplorer --

== End JNICALL Java_com__sun_deploy_panel_PlatformSpecificUtils_applyBrowserSettings ==

** Start WINAPI GetLogFileName **

** Start WINAPI InstallJava: 0 **

** End WINAPI InstallJava **


Process start at 12/21/2008-15:30:00.


== Start JNICALL Java_com_sun_deploy_util_UpdateCheck_shouldPromptForAutoCheck ==

-- Start in LogInfo --



DEFAULTBROWSER HTTP\Shell\open\ddeexec\Application is: IExplore

DEFAULTBROWSERVISTA2NDKEY Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\http\UserChoice\Progid is:

-- Start in ShowOO --

-- ShowOO -- Turning off OO

-- Start in ShowYahoo --

-- ShowYahoo -- rcode key is: 2

-- ShowYahoo -- ytb key is: 0

-- ShowYahoo -- intl key is:

-- ShowYahoo -- Turning off Yahoo

-- ShowYahoo -- Not a country in the country list

-- DetermineSponsor -- begin

-- DetermineSponsor -- The following sponsors have already been offered:

-- DetermineSponsor -- The preference order is: SP4;SP3

-- DetermineSponsor -- The sponsors that are offerable are:

-- DetermineSponsor -- szSponsorsOfferableNotAlreadyOffered is:

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsors found that have not already been offered

-- DetermineSponsor -- walking through sponsors offerable to find a sponsor found that WAS already offered. szSponsorsOfferableSave is: , szPreferenceOrderSave is: SP4;SP3

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsor found

-- Start in LogInfo --



DEFAULTBROWSER HTTP\Shell\open\ddeexec\Application is: IExplore

DEFAULTBROWSERVISTA2NDKEY Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\http\UserChoice\Progid is:

-- Start in ShowOO --

-- ShowOO -- Turning off OO

-- Start in ShowYahoo --

-- ShowYahoo -- rcode key is: 2

-- ShowYahoo -- ytb key is: 0

-- ShowYahoo -- intl key is:

-- ShowYahoo -- Turning off Yahoo

-- ShowYahoo -- Not a country in the country list

-- DetermineSponsor -- begin

-- DetermineSponsor -- The following sponsors have already been offered:

-- DetermineSponsor -- The preference order is: SP4;SP3

-- DetermineSponsor -- The sponsors that are offerable are:

-- DetermineSponsor -- szSponsorsOfferableNotAlreadyOffered is:

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsors found that have not already been offered

-- DetermineSponsor -- walking through sponsors offerable to find a sponsor found that WAS already offered. szSponsorsOfferableSave is: , szPreferenceOrderSave is: SP4;SP3

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsor found

-- Start in LogInfo --



DEFAULTBROWSER HTTP\Shell\open\ddeexec\Application is: IExplore

DEFAULTBROWSERVISTA2NDKEY Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\http\UserChoice\Progid is:

-- Start in ShowYahoo --

-- ShowYahoo -- rcode key is: 2

-- ShowYahoo -- ytb key is: 0

-- ShowYahoo -- intl key is:

-- ShowYahoo -- Turning off Yahoo

-- ShowYahoo -- Not a country in the country list

-- Start in ShowMSTB --

-- IsIEDefault() -- key1 is: IExplore

-- IsIEDefault() -- key2 is:

-- ShowMSTB -- IE is the default browser

-- ShowMSTB -- OS supported

-- ShowMSTB -- Turning off MSTB

-- DetermineSponsor -- begin

-- DetermineSponsor -- The following sponsors have already been offered:

-- DetermineSponsor -- The preference order is: SP8;SP4

-- DetermineSponsor -- The sponsors that are offerable are:

-- DetermineSponsor -- szSponsorsOfferableNotAlreadyOffered is:

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsors found that have not already been offered

-- DetermineSponsor -- walking through sponsors offerable to find a sponsor found that WAS already offered. szSponsorsOfferableSave is: , szPreferenceOrderSave is: SP8;SP4

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsor found

-- Start in LogInfo --



DEFAULTBROWSER HTTP\Shell\open\ddeexec\Application is: IExplore

DEFAULTBROWSERVISTA2NDKEY Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\http\UserChoice\Progid is:

-- Start in ShowYahoo --

-- ShowYahoo -- rcode key is: 2

-- ShowYahoo -- ytb key is: 0

-- ShowYahoo -- intl key is:

-- ShowYahoo -- Turning off Yahoo

-- ShowYahoo -- Not a country in the country list

-- Start in ShowMSTB --

-- IsIEDefault() -- key1 is: IExplore

-- IsIEDefault() -- key2 is:

-- ShowMSTB -- IE is the default browser

-- ShowMSTB -- OS supported

-- ShowMSTB -- Turning off MSTB

-- DetermineSponsor -- begin

-- DetermineSponsor -- The following sponsors have already been offered:

-- DetermineSponsor -- The preference order is: SP8;SP4

-- DetermineSponsor -- The sponsors that are offerable are:

-- DetermineSponsor -- szSponsorsOfferableNotAlreadyOffered is:

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsors found that have not already been offered

-- DetermineSponsor -- walking through sponsors offerable to find a sponsor found that WAS already offered. szSponsorsOfferableSave is: , szPreferenceOrderSave is: SP8;SP4

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsor found

-- Start in LogInfo --



DEFAULTBROWSER HTTP\Shell\open\ddeexec\Application is: IExplore

DEFAULTBROWSERVISTA2NDKEY Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\http\UserChoice\Progid is:

-- Start in ShowOO --

-- ShowOO -- Turning off OO

-- Start in ShowYahoo --

-- ShowYahoo -- rcode key is: 2

-- ShowYahoo -- ytb key is: 0

-- ShowYahoo -- intl key is:

-- ShowYahoo -- Turning off Yahoo

-- ShowYahoo -- Not a country in the country list

-- DetermineSponsor -- begin

-- DetermineSponsor -- The following sponsors have already been offered:

-- DetermineSponsor -- The preference order is: SP4;SP3

-- DetermineSponsor -- The sponsors that are offerable are:

-- DetermineSponsor -- szSponsorsOfferableNotAlreadyOffered is:

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsors found that have not already been offered

-- DetermineSponsor -- walking through sponsors offerable to find a sponsor found that WAS already offered. szSponsorsOfferableSave is: , szPreferenceOrderSave is: SP4;SP3

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsor found

-- Start in LogInfo --



DEFAULTBROWSER HTTP\Shell\open\ddeexec\Application is: Firefox

DEFAULTBROWSERVISTA2NDKEY Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\http\UserChoice\Progid is:

-- Start in ShowYahoo --

-- ShowYahoo -- rcode key is: 8

-- ShowYahoo -- ytb key is: 0

-- ShowYahoo -- intl key is:

-- ShowYahoo -- Turning off Yahoo

-- ShowYahoo -- Not a country in the country list

-- Start in ShowMSTB --

-- IsIEDefault() -- key1 is: Firefox

-- IsIEDefault() -- key2 is:

-- ShowMSTB -- IE is NOT the default browser

-- DetermineSponsor -- begin

-- DetermineSponsor -- The following sponsors have already been offered:

-- DetermineSponsor -- The preference order is: SP8;SP4

-- DetermineSponsor -- The sponsors that are offerable are:

-- DetermineSponsor -- szSponsorsOfferableNotAlreadyOffered is:

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsors found that have not already been offered

-- DetermineSponsor -- walking through sponsors offerable to find a sponsor found that WAS already offered. szSponsorsOfferableSave is: , szPreferenceOrderSave is: SP8;SP4

-- DetermineSponsor -- NO sponsor found


Laatste VERZONDEN email naar:


Mijn adres ed heb ik hier verwijderd !!!!!


Dear support

I am struggling with Java for about 8 weeks.

It started when I installed OpenOffice version 3.

What happened was: CPU uses 100%,after registration screen was closed.

After some searching, I found that Java was the problem.

After numerous attempts of redownloading, uninstall and reinstalling, I've reinstalled OpenOffice version 2.4 again without any problem.

But I wanted OpenOffice version 3 for pdf handling.

When I inspect C:\Documents and Settings\as\Application Data, I think there are some leftovers from OOv3.

There is a folder C:\Documents and Settings\as\Application Data\, with a subfolder "3", size: 1,67 MB, 27 subfolders and 64 files in it.

And a match larger folder C:\Documents and Settings\as\Application Data\OpenOffice.org2.

Uninstall for Java is after all this not available anymore, so I have to removed it manually.

Then I used Windows Install Clean Up, Regseeker, Advanced SystemCare v3, TuneUp 2008 Registry Cleaner and RegScubber to cleanup the registery every time.

I've tried “JavaRa (Java Uninstall).zip” without success.

I have been searching Sun websites and other forums about this Java problem, but this is to complicated or not usable in this case.

Java is not shown in Software or other uninstallers. Only in C:\Documents and Settings\as\Application Data\Sun\Java\jre1.6.0_11. This is the MSI installation folder from Java. Starting it will only result in “Zoeken Java setup.jpg” screenshot

I manually searched the registery for SUN, JRE and JAVA and removed everything, except the ones in the “Zoeken Java.jpg” screenshot. I'm not sure if the are from Microsoft Java or not.

I added these 2 screenshots in the attachmentlist.

I even try to extract jre 1.6.0_07 from a previous Image of C:\ partition, I made with DIXML from Runtime Software. After some fighting, it is working, but there is no Java icon in Control panel.

Repairing it in SOFTWARE makes no difference.When I try to install 6.11, “Zoeken Java setup.jpg” screenshot opens up again, with no result if I click YES. The text is: “This software has already been

installed on your computer. Would you like to reinstall it?”

I have been trying to send you the log files and screenshots but I'm getting something back, I don't now what to do with. It looks like the screenshots where not coming true.

I'm inserting it in this mail, above this updated question.

The Error Re: Java trouble came from

To make sure that you get this email in a proper way, I don't ad any attachments.

I,m waiting for your response before I do anything to repair.

So if you now a solution, I love to here from you.




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If I send a email to, I,m getting an unuseble responce from I tryed it several times and dont no what is going on. I,m having trouble with JAVA and nead your support. Please inform me!!!!!!



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