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Hallo iedereen,


Ik zou graag via cmd een bericht willen versturen naar andere computers op het netwerk. Na SP2 in windows XP is het commando 'net send' niet meer mogelijk. I.p.v. 'net send' kwam 'msg'.

Dit commando wil op geen enkele computer werken. (Beide computers: Windows 7 Home Premium)

Ik krijg de melding: msg wordt niet herkend als een interne of externe opdracht, programma of batchbestand.


Hopelijk kan iemand raad geven.




De service 'messenger' staat niet in services.msc


Dan heb je het over deze link neem ik aan, punt 2.5?


Heb je er onderstaande gelezen?


1.2 The Net Send command in Windows 8/7/Vista

Windows XP was the last version of Windows to include the Net Send command. The msg command replaces the net send command in Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista. Nevertheless, you can send and receive Net Send messages in Windows 8/7/Vista using third party software products (read more). 




Klik je op de link, in de tekst kom je in punt 3 uit en dat is 

3 Sending and receiving Net Send messages in Windows 8/7/Vista

In order to send or receive Net Send messages on Windows versions that don't support Net Send command (Windows 7, Vista, ME, 95, 98) you can use third party software products. We suggest using Winsent Messenger, Winsent Innocenti and Sent utility.

Winsent Messenger is a messenger for LAN, compatible with net send. Winsent Innocenti is a pared-down version of the Winsent Messenger, only allowing message receiving. Sent is a console utility intended for sending messages from command line.

The following are step by step instructions on how to add NET SEND support to Windows 7:

1) Download and install Winsent Messenger or Winsent Innocenti on all computers that should be used for message receiving (Go to thedownload page).

2) Download and install Sent utility and Winsent Messenger on all computers that should be used for message sending (Go to thedownload page)

3) Change Windows system settings according to the requirements on all the computer where you installed Winsent Messenger, Winsent Innocenti and Sent.

Now you can send and receive NET SEND messages on Windows 7. If you need to send the message from command line then type thesent command in a command prompt, otherwise use Winsent Messenger.




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