windows 10 laat mijn laptop zeer traag opstarten , hoe nu? - Pagina 3 - Archief Windows 10 - PC Helpforum Ga naar inhoud

windows 10 laat mijn laptop zeer traag opstarten , hoe nu?

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Daar hoef je geen jaren op te wachten: wanneer je Windows Update laat zoeken naar updates weet je na een aantal minuten welke updates er worden aangeboden.

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heb email gehad van amd :


Dear Customer,

Your service request : SR #{ticketno:[8200652801]} has been reviewed and updated.

Response and Service Request History:

I understand that since the windows 10 installed in your laptop for the graphics card HD 7400M the laptop starts up very slowly. You doubts on the driver.

Please be informed that AMD recommends using the graphics drivers provided by your notebook's manufacturer as the manufacturer may customize the drivers to support the built-in display and the features and functions specific to the notebook. Customized graphics drivers are available for download from most notebook manufacturer's web site.

AMD provides a reference for AMD Mobility Radeon graphics drivers with limited support for notebook specific features and functions. This is not intended to be used as a replacement for the notebook manufacturer's driver. To know more, please visit

I suggest you to install the driver version 15.7.1 which is recommended for windows 10 that released recently from the laptop manufacturer.

AMD recommends to perform driver installation always as clean installation. You must remove old driver completely from your system before you proceed with new driver installation.

You may also use 3rd party tool such as DDU/CCleaner to perform removal of old driver files remnant.  

Please try the above steps and update us.

If the current operating system is not the version originally installed on the notebook it may not meet all requirements and compatible graphics drivers may not be available. Please refer to the notebook manufacturer for supported operating systems and drivers.

And also Please confirm with the laptop manufacturer regarding the start up delay whether it is a normal for windows 10 or not.

If you have further queries please do revert back. Thank you for contacting AMD Technical support.

In order to update this service request, please respond, leaving the service request reference intact.

Best regards,

AMD Global Customer Care


This email is a direct result of your contact with AMD Global Customer Care and not part of a campaign.  There is no need to unsubscribe to this email as you will only be contacted again if you directly request another service from AMD Global Customer Care.

The contents of this message are provided for informational purposes only.  AMD makes no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy of the contents of the information provided, and reserves the right to change such information at any time, with or without notice.



nu werkt dat nog niet




Je hebt dus alle beschreven stappen uitgevoerd, maar dat lost je probleem niet op ... heb je reeds een antwoord ontvangen op de feedback die je verstuurd hebt naar AMD ?

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