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Ook voor jou het beste voor 2016 en veel plezier met je Windows 7 ! ;)


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Net een "leuk" tekstje gevonden waarom updates zolang duren :-/

Na de clean install van mijn windows 7 heeft hij meer dan 12 uur naar updates gezocht.

Ik installeer ze nu per 10 ... elke keer duurt dit 5 uur !!!!

Microsoft geeft gewoon prioriteit aan Windows 10 en laat anderen wachten in de hoop dat ze overschakelen


Before you start Windows Update, if your computer has not been up and running for a few days or more, start it and let it run without using it for some hours.  Turn off the sleep functions if they are set.  If yours is a laptop, make sure it is powered with the power cord.  Start Task Manager (right-click on the task bar) and look at the CPU % in use at the bottom of that window.  If it is more than 10%, you have to wait until what ever the computer is doing finishes before starting Windows Update.

Functions like Antivirus update and  scans, scheduled defragmentation, updates to Java, Flash Player, Adobe Reader and others must be completed BEFORE you start Windows Update.

I just did this on a laptop that had not been used for about 70 days.  It took the best part of a day to finally settle down and be ready.

Windows Update is dramatically slower than it was in the Spring of 2015, before Windows 10 began its merciless march.  There may be nothing wrong with your computer!  The problem is a hopelessly inadequate Windows Update service.  Likely it is overwhelmed sending millions of 5 gigabyte malware Win10 files to unwilling Win7 computers, using the same equipment and network that normally services you and I.

From Microsoft’s perspective, the updates you want are an extremely low priority.  They do not want you updating Windows 7.  They want you replacing it with Windows 10.

There is no reason to do this upgrade unless you are a real adventurer.  Windows 7 will be supported through January 2020.

Excellent read

I have seen cases where the green bar continued overnight and finally found the updates, then spent many more hours downloading those updates.

If yours is a notebook PC, turn off sleep and hibernate functions.  Leave WU running at least overnight, maybe longer

Stop trying to fix your computer.  You are likely to make a mess of it for no benefit.

Trying to fix your computer may be pointless, when the problem is your supplier.  Sort of like taking a part your car’s engine because it does not start, when the problem is the gas tank is empty.


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