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Hey guys.

I am currently working on my thesis for which I have to do a research.
I need some help with getting my data in the right 'lay-out' so I can work with it in SPSS and so on.
I attached a screenshot. In the different rows, you see the data for several companies (it goes on until around 10K). In the columns you can see certain variables.
The first columns are just some info about the company such as name, city etc.. Columns F-K represent one type of variable, measured for 6 years (jaar -1 until jaar -6).
What I need is to get the years (jaar -1 until jaar -6) as rows, under each company. Then I only have one column for each variable. Which is much easier to work with. 
I know it can be done with the transpose function (my promotor told me), but I really dont know how to do it. 
I hope I explained clearly what needs to be done and I would be very grateful if someone could help me with this. 
Thanks in advance,




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