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Hi all,

When I import a txt or csv file, there are some collumns with big numbers in its cells... Like phonenumbers, ID's, etc...

When I import those collumns, the numbers (i.e. 123456789) are shown like "1,23 x 10^8". This can be solved by making the collown width bigger.

But when I do the same with the bigger numbers (15+ chars), it stays in the 10^x form.

Offcourse I can change the cell format, and it works, but the problem is that when i then use some functions on these cells, the outcome isn't correct.

So how can I fix it like this, that when importing files with large numbers in it, that everything is put in excel like it's comming from the txt/csv.

When a colleague does the same as me, he doesn't have this issue. So I assume there is an option in excel which can be triggered to solve this issue???

We both have Excel 2007 v12.0.6335.5000 SP1 MSO (12.0.6335.5000)

Please help...

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