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So my I just got my new pc and it started crashing while playing games like, rainbow six siege, dying light and The Division 2.

My drivers are up-to-date and I reinstalled windows. 


My specs are:


GPU: Gigabyte RTX 3060 OC 12GB

CPU: Ryzen 5 3600

MB: Asus TUF B450-PLUS

RAM: 16GB corsair vengeance 3200MHz


The crash doesnt happen at a specific moment, sometimes it takes 2 days and sometimes not even 10minutes. Its only when

playing games. My PC just turns off and then the leds and fans start running but nothing else turns on.

I already tried everything I could find like, cleaning my whole SSD and HDD and updating my BIOS and windows. 

Nothing works :(

I spent all my money on this and I cant even do my shit :(


Hoi NintiTan, welkom op PCH.

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